Alex M. H. Wong
Alex M. H. Wong
Associate Professor, City University of Hong Kong
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Cited by
Perfect Anomalous Reflection with a Bipartite Huygens’ Metasurface
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011036, 2018
Perfect anomalous reflection with a bipartite Huygens’ metasurface
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011036, 2018
Optical Huygens’ Metasurfaces with Independent Control of the Magnitude and Phase of the Local Reflection Coefficients
M Kim, AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
Physical Review X 4 (4), 041042, 2014
Huygens’ metasurfaces from microwaves to optics: a review
M Chen, M Kim, AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
Nanophotonics 7 (6), 1207-1231, 2018
Roadmap on superoscillations
M Berry, N Zheludev, Y Aharonov, F Colombo, I Sabadini, DC Struppa, ...
Journal of Optics 21 (5), 053002, 2019
An optical super-microscope for far-field, real-time imaging beyond the diffraction limit
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
Scientific reports 3, 1715, 2013
Spatially shifted beam approach to subwavelength focusing
L Markley, AMH Wong, Y Wang, GV Eleftheriades
Physical review letters 101 (11), 113901, 2008
Binary Huygens’ Metasurfaces: Experimental Demonstration of Simple and Efficient Near-Grazing Retroreflectors for TE and TM Polarizations
AMH Wong, P Christian, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 66 (6), 2892-2903, 2018
Adaptation of Schelkunoff's superdirective antenna theory for the realization of superoscillatory antenna arrays
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 9, 315-318, 2010
Superresolution far-field imaging of complex objects using reduced superoscillating ripples
XH Dong, AMH Wong, M Kim, GV Eleftheriades
Optica 4 (9), 1126-1133, 2017
Holography-inspired screens for sub-wavelength focusing in the near field
GV Eleftheriades, AMH Wong
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 18 (4), 236-238, 2008
Sub-wavelength focusing at the multi-wavelength range using superoscillations: an experimental demonstration
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE transactions on Antennas and Propagation 59 (12), 4766-4776, 2011
Temporal pulse compression beyond the Fourier transform limit
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 59 (9), 2173-2179, 2011
Superoscillations without sidebands: power-efficient sub-diffraction imaging with propagating waves
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
Scientific reports 5, 8449, 2015
Plasmonic meta-screen for alleviating the trade-offs in the near-field optics
Y Wang, AMH Wong, L Markley, AS Helmy, GV Eleftheriades
Optics Express 17 (15), 12351-12361, 2009
Superoscillatory radar imaging: improving radar range resolution beyond fundamental bandwidth limitations
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters 22 (3), 147-149, 2012
Generation of time-varying orbital angular momentum beams with space-time-coding digital metasurface
J Zhang, P Li, RCC Cheung, AMH Wong, J Li
Advanced Photonics 5 (3), 036001, 2023
Active Huygens’ Box: Arbitrary Electromagnetic Wave Generation with an Electronically Controlled Metasurface
AMH Wong, GV Eleftheriades
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2020
Metallic transmission screen for sub-wavelength focusing
AMH Wong, CD Sarris, GV Eleftheriades
Electronics Letters 43 (25), 1402-1404, 2007
Discrete Huygens’ Metasurface: Realizing Anomalous Refraction and Diffraction Mode Circulation with a Robust, Broadband and Simple Design
C Qi, AMH Wong
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 70 (8), 7300-7305, 2022
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Articles 1–20