Don-Lin Yang
Don-Lin Yang
Professor of the Department of Information Enginering and Computer Science, Feng Chia University
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Cited by
An efficient fuzzy c-means clustering algorithm
MC Hung, DL Yang
Proceedings 2001 IEEE international conference on data mining, 225-232, 2001
An Efficient k-Means Clustering Algorithm Using Simple Partitioning.
MC Hung, J Wu, JH Chang, DL Yang
Journal of information science and engineering 21 (6), 1157-1177, 2005
An automated fault diagnosis system using hierarchical reasoning and alarm correlation
CS Chao, DL Yang, AC Liu
Journal of Network and Systems Management 9, 183-202, 2001
Image processing and image mining using decision trees.
KC Lu, DL Yang
Journal of Information Science & Engineering 25 (4), 2009
Efficient compositing methods for the sort-last-sparse parallel volume rendering system on distributed memory multicomputers
DL Yang, JC Yu, YC Chung
The Journal of Supercomputing 18, 201-220, 2001
Automatic machine status prediction in the era of Industry 4.0: Case study of machines in a spring factory
CJ Kuo, KC Ting, YC Chen, DL Yang, HM Chen
Journal of Systems Architecture 81, 44-53, 2017
Efficient approaches for materialized views selection in a data warehouse
MC Hung, ML Huang, DL Yang, NL Hsueh
Information Sciences 177 (6), 1333-1348, 2007
A generalized processor mapping technique for array redistribution
CH Hsu, YC Chung, DL Yang, CR Dow
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 12 (7), 743-757, 2001
Applying UML and software simulation for process definition, verification, and validation
NL Hsueh, WH Shen, ZW Yang, DL Yang
Information and Software Technology 50 (9-10), 897-911, 2008
A study on the effectiveness of digital signage advertisement
K Yin, HC Wang, D Yang, J Wu
2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, 169-172, 2012
The design of PDA-based biomedical data processing and analysis for intelligent wearable health monitoring systems
PT Cheng, LM Tsai, LW Lu, DL Yang
The Fourth International Conference onComputer and Information Technology …, 2004
An efficient hash-based method for discovering the maximal frequent set
DL Yang, CT Pan, YC Chung
25th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference …, 2001
A marching voxels method for surface rendering of volume data
CF Lin, DL Yang, YC Chung
Proceedings. Computer Graphics International 2001, 306-313, 2001
Predicting student performance in MOOCs using learning activity data.
YC Chiu, HJ Hsu, J Wu, DL Yang
J. Inf. Sci. Eng. 34 (5), 1223-1235, 2018
A deep learning approach to sensory navigation device for blind guidance
JC Ying, CY Li, GW Wu, JX Li, WJ Chen, DL Yang
2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on High Performance Computing and …, 2018
Efficient mining of generalized negative association rules
LM Tsai, SJ Lin, DL Yang
2010 IEEE international conference on granular computing, 471-476, 2010
New method for Industry 4.0 machine status prediction-A case study with the machine of a spring factory
TY Lin, YM Chen, DL Yang, YC Chen
2016 International Computer Symposium (ICS), 322-326, 2016
Implementation of Wiki-based knowledge management systems for small research groups
CH Yang, MY Wu, CM Lin, DL Yang
2008 Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and …, 2008
A preliminary study on deep learning for predicting social insurance payment behavior
JJC Ying, PY Huang, CK Chang, DL Yang
2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 1866-1875, 2017
Using data mining to construct an intelligent web search system
YR Chen, MC Hung, DL Yang
International Journal of Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 16 (02 …, 2003
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Articles 1–20