Dorthe Wildenschild
Dorthe Wildenschild
Professor of Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University
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X-ray imaging and analysis techniques for quantifying pore-scale structure and processes in subsurface porous medium systems
D Wildenschild, AP Sheppard
Advances in Water Resources 51 (January 2013), 217–246, 2012
Using X-ray computed tomography in hydrology: systems, resolutions, and limitations
D Wildenschild, CMP Vaz, ML Rivers, D Rikard, BSB Christensen
Journal of Hydrology 267 (3-4), 285-297, 2002
Image processing of multiphase images obtained via X‐ray microtomography: A review
S Schlüter, A Sheppard, K Brown, D Wildenschild
Water Resources Research 50 (4), 3615-3639, 2014
Interfacial area measurements for unsaturated flow through a porous medium
KA Culligan, D Wildenschild, BSB Christensen, WG Gray, ML Rivers, ...
Water Resources Research 40 (12), 2004
Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of the capillary pressure–saturation–interfacial area relationship for porous media
ML Porter, MG Schaap, D Wildenschild
Advances in Water Resources 32 (11), 1632-1640, 2009
Effect of fluid topology on residual nonwetting phase trapping: Implications for geologic CO2 sequestration
AL Herring, EJ Harper, L Andersson, A Sheppard, BK Bay, D Wildenschild
Advances in water resources 62, 47-58, 2013
Pore-scale characteristics of multiphase flow in porous media: A comparison of air–water and oil–water experiments
KA Culligan, D Wildenschild, BSB Christensen, WG Gray, ML Rivers
Advances in water resources 29 (2), 227-238, 2006
Linking pore-scale interfacial curvature to column-scale capillary pressure
RT Armstrong, ML Porter, D Wildenschild
Advances in Water resources 46, 55-62, 2012
Flow rate dependence of soil hydraulic characteristics
D Wildenschild, JW Hopmans, J Simunek
Soil Science Society of America Journal 65 (1), 35-48, 2001
Pore‐scale displacement mechanisms as a source of hysteresis for two‐phase flow in porous media
S Schlüter, S Berg, M Rücker, RT Armstrong, HJ Vogel, R Hilfer, ...
Water Resources Research 52 (3), 2194-2205, 2016
Linking air and water transport in intact soils to macropore characteristics inferred from X-ray computed tomography
S Katuwal, T Norgaard, P Moldrup, M Lamandé, D Wildenschild, ...
Geoderma 237, 9-20, 2015
Quantitative analysis of flow processes in a sand using synchrotron-based X-ray microtomography
D Wildenschild, JW Hopmans, ML Rivers, AJR Kent
Vadose Zone Journal 4 (1), 112-126, 2005
Measurement and prediction of the relationship between capillary pressure, saturation, and interfacial area in a NAPL‐water‐glass bead system
ML Porter, D Wildenschild, G Grant, JI Gerhard
Water Resources Research 46 (8), 2010
Network model investigation of interfacial area, capillary pressure and saturation relationships in granular porous media
V Joekar‐Niasar, M Prodanović, D Wildenschild, SM Hassanizadeh
Water Resources Research 46 (6), 2010
Comparison of pressure‐saturation characteristics derived from computed tomography and lattice Boltzmann simulations
MG Schaap, ML Porter, BSB Christensen, D Wildenschild
Water Resources Research 43 (12), 2007
Impact of long-term fertilization practice on soil structure evolution
M Naveed, P Moldrup, HJÖ Vogel, M Lamandé, D Wildenschild, M Tuller, ...
Geoderma 217, 181-189, 2014
Efficiently engineering pore-scale processes: The role of force dominance and topology during nonwetting phase trapping in porous media
AL Herring, L Andersson, S Schlüter, A Sheppard, D Wildenschild
Advances in Water Resources 79, 91-102, 2015
Biofilm growth in porous media: Experiments, computational modeling at the porescale, and upscaling
M Peszynska, A Trykozko, G Iltis, S Schlueter, D Wildenschild
Advances in Water Resources 95, 288-301, 2016
Image analysis algorithms for estimating porous media multiphase flow variables from computed microtomography data: a validation study
ML Porter, D Wildenschild
Computational Geosciences 14, 15-30, 2010
Laboratory investigations of effective flow behavior in unsaturated heterogeneous sands
D Wildenschild, KH Jensen
Water Resources Research 35 (1), 17-27, 1999
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Articles 1–20