Oren Perez
Oren Perez
Head, Bar-Ilan University School for Environment & Sustainability, Prof., BIU Law Faculty
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Psychological factors behind the lack of participation in online discussions
Y Amichai-Hamburger, T Gazit, J Bar-Ilan, O Perez, N Aharony, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 55, 268-277, 2016
The dynamic of corporate self-regulation: ISO 14001, environmental commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior
O Perez, Y Amichai-Hamburger, T Shterental
Law & Society Review 43 (3), 593-630, 2009
Normative Creativity and Global Legal Pluralism: Reflections on the Democratic Critique of Transnational Law’(2003)
O Perez
Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 10, 25, 43, 2003
Ecological sensitivity and global legal pluralism: rethinking the trade and environment conflict
O Perez
Hart Publishing, 2004
Paradoxes and Inconsistencies in the Law
O Perez, G Teubner
Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2006
How law changes the environmental mind: An experimental study of the effect of legal norms on moral perceptions and civic enforcement
Y Feldman, O Perez
Journal of Law and Society 36 (4), 501-535, 2009
Multiple regimes, issue linkage, and international cooperation: Exploring the role of the WTO
O Perez
U. Pa. J. Int'l Econ. L. 26, 735, 2005
Motivating environmental action in a pluralistic regulatory environment: An experimental study of framing, crowding out, and institutional effects in the context of recycling …
Y Feldman, O Perez
Law & Society Review 46 (2), 405-442, 2012
Private environmental governance as ensemble regulation: A critical exploration of sustainability indexes and the new ensemble politics
O Perez
Theoretical Inquiries in Law 12 (2), 543-579, 2011
Using Private‐Public Linkages to Regulate Environmental Conflicts: The Case of International Construction Contracts
O Perez
Journal of Law and Society 29 (1), 77-110, 2002
Whose administrative law is it anyway-how global norms reshape the administrative state
D Barak-Erez, O Perez
Cornell Int'l LJ 46, 455, 2013
The network of law reviews: Citation cartels, scientific communities, and journal rankings
O Perez, J Bar‐Ilan, R Cohen, N Schreiber
The Modern Law Review 82 (2), 240-268, 2019
An examination of the factors contributing to participation in online social platforms
J Bronstein, T Gazit, O Perez, J Bar-Ilan, N Aharony, ...
Aslib Journal of Information Management 68 (6), 793-818, 2016
The new universe of green finance: from self-regulation to multi-polar governance
O Perez
Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2007
Just-ifications of a Law of Society
R Wiethölter
Paradoxes and Inconsistencies in the Law 65, 71, 2005
Fuzzy law: A theory of quasi-legal systems
O Perez
Canadian Journal of Law & Jurisprudence 28 (2), 343-370, 2015
Responsive regulation and second-order reflexivity: On the limits of regulatory intervention
O Perez
UBCL Rev. 44, 743, 2011
Active participants and lurkers in online discussion groups: an exploratory analysis of focus group interviews and observation
T Gazit, J Bronstein, Y Amichai-Hamburger, N Aharony, J Bar-Ilan, ...
University of Borås, 2018
Anomalies at the precautionary kingdom: reflections on the GMO Panel's decision
O Perez
World Trade Review 6 (2), 265-280, 2007
Governance through global networks and corporate signaling
O Perez, R Cohen, N Schreiber
Regulation & Governance 13 (4), 447-469, 2019
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Articles 1–20