Eitan Farchi
Eitan Farchi
IBM Research Lab in Haifa
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Cited by
Concurrent bug patterns and how to test them
E Farchi, Y Nir, S Ur
Proceedings international parallel and distributed processing symposium, 7 pp., 2003
Static index pruning for information retrieval systems
D Carmel, D Cohen, R Fagin, E Farchi, M Herscovici, YS Maarek, A Soffer
Proceedings of the 24th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2001
Multithreaded Java program test generation
O Edelstein, E Farchi, Y Nir, G Ratsaby, S Ur
IBM systems journal 41 (1), 111-125, 2002
Framework for testing multi‐threaded Java programs
O Edelstein, E Farchi, E Goldin, Y Nir, G Ratsaby, S Ur
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 15 (3‐5), 485-499, 2003
Using a model-based test generator to test for standard conformance
E Farchi, A Hartman, SS Pinter
IBM systems journal 41 (1), 89-110, 2002
Using binary decision diagrams for combinatorial test design
I Segall, R Tzoref-Brill, E Farchi
Proceedings of the 2011 International Symposium on Software Testing and …, 2011
Automatic query wefinement using lexical affinities with maximal information gain
D Carmel, E Farchi, Y Petruschka, A Soffer
Proceedings of the 25th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on …, 2002
Applications of synchronization coverage
A Bron, E Farchi, Y Magid, Y Nir, S Ur
Proceedings of the tenth ACM SIGPLAN symposium on Principles and practice of …, 2005
Automatic query refinement
D Carmel, E Farchi, Y Petruschka
US Patent 6,941,297, 2005
Optimal search in trees
Y Ben-Asher, E Farchi, I Newman
SIAM Journal on Computing 28 (6), 2090-2102, 1999
Method and apparatus for collecting persistent coverage data across software versions
E Farchi, T Pavela, S Ur, A Ziv
US Patent App. 09/990,802, 2003
Method and system for integrating test coverage measurements with model based test generation
E Farchi, D Geist, A Hartman, P Kram, K Nagin, Y Shaham-Gafni, S Ur
US Patent 7,272,752, 2007
Race detection for parallel software
S Ur, E Farchi, G Ratsaby
US Patent 6,851,075, 2005
Heuristics for finding concurrent bugs
Y Eytani, E Farchi, Y Ben-Asher
Proceedings International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 8 pp., 2003
Lossy index compression
D Carmel, D Cohen, R Fagin, E Farchi, M Herscovici, Y Maarek, A Soffer
US Patent 7,356,527, 2008
Detection of data drift and outliers affecting machine learning model performance over time
S Ackerman, E Farchi, O Raz, M Zalmanovici, P Dube
arXiv preprint arXiv:2012.09258, 2020
Detection of deadlock potentials in multithreaded programs
R Agarwal, S Bensalem, E Farchi, K Havelund, Y Nir-Buchbinder, ...
IBM Journal of Research and Development 54 (5), 3: 1-3: 15, 2010
Caching in a data processing system using the pigeon hole principle
ME Factor, ED Farchi
US Patent 6,094,706, 2000
Using code motion and write and read delays to increase the probability of bug detection in concurrent systems
M Biberstein, E Farchi, S Ur
US Patent 7,712,081, 2010
Evaluation of software based on review history
ED Farchi, S Novikov, O Raz-Pelleg
US Patent 8,423,960, 2013
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20