Sergey V. Borisenko
Sergey V. Borisenko
Group leader "Synchrotron methods", IFW-Dresden
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Experimental realization of a three-dimensional Dirac semimetal
S Borisenko, Q Gibson, D Evtushinsky, V Zabolotnyy, B Büchner, RJ Cava
Physical review letters 113 (2), 027603, 2014
Superconductivity without nesting in LiFeAs
SV Borisenko, VB Zabolotnyy, DV Evtushinsky, TK Kim, IV Morozov, ...
Physical review letters 105 (6), 067002, 2010
Strength of the spin-fluctuation-mediated pairing interaction in a high-temperature superconductor
T Dahm, V Hinkov, SV Borisenko, AA Kordyuk, VB Zabolotnyy, J Fink, ...
Nature Physics 5 (3), 217-221, 2009
Direct observation of the spin texture in SmB6 as evidence of the topological Kondo insulator
N Xu, PK Biswas, JH Dil, RS Dhaka, G Landolt, S Muff, CE Matt, X Shi, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4566, 2014
Momentum dependence of the superconducting gap in
DV Evtushinsky, DS Inosov, VB Zabolotnyy, A Koitzsch, M Knupfer, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 79 (5), 054517, 2009
Two Energy Gaps and Fermi-Surface “Arcs” in
SV Borisenko, AA Kordyuk, VB Zabolotnyy, DS Inosov, D Evtushinsky, ...
Physical review letters 102 (16), 166402, 2009
Time-reversal symmetry breaking type-II Weyl state in YbMnBi2
RJC S. Borisenko, D. Evtushinsky, Q. Gibson, A. Yaresko, T. Kim, MN Ali, B ...
arXiv: 1507.04847, 0
(π, π) electronic order in iron arsenide superconductors
VB Zabolotnyy, DS Inosov, DV Evtushinsky, A Koitzsch, AA Kordyuk, ...
Nature 457 (7229), 569-572, 2009
Stacked topological insulator built from bismuth-based graphene sheet analogues
B Rasche, A Isaeva, M Ruck, S Borisenko, V Zabolotnyy, B Büchner, ...
Nature materials 12 (5), 422-425, 2013
Direct observation of spin–orbit coupling in iron-based superconductors
SV Borisenko, DV Evtushinsky, ZH Liu, I Morozov, R Kappenberger, ...
Nature Physics 12 (4), 311-317, 2016
Pseudogap and charge density waves in two dimensions
SV Borisenko, AA Kordyuk, AN Yaresko, VB Zabolotnyy, DS Inosov, ...
Physical review letters 100 (19), 196402, 2008
: A ternary type-II Weyl semimetal
K Koepernik, D Kasinathan, DV Efremov, S Khim, S Borisenko, B Büchner, ...
Physical Review B 93 (20), 201101, 2016
Unusual band renormalization in the simplest iron-based superconductor
J Maletz, VB Zabolotnyy, DV Evtushinsky, S Thirupathaiah, AUB Wolter, ...
Physical Review B 89 (22), 220506, 2014
Bare electron dispersion from experiment: Self-consistent self-energy analysis of photoemission data
AA Kordyuk, SV Borisenko, A Koitzsch, J Fink, M Knupfer, H Berger
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (21), 214513, 2005
Momentum-resolved superconducting gap in the bulk of Ba1− xKxFe2As2 from combined ARPES and μSR measurements
DV Evtushinsky, DS Inosov, VB Zabolotnyy, MS Viazovska, R Khasanov, ...
New Journal of Physics 11 (5), 055069, 2009
Origin of the Peak-Dip-Hump Line Shape in the Superconducting-State Photoemission Spectra of
AA Kordyuk, SV Borisenko, TK Kim, KA Nenkov, M Knupfer, J Fink, ...
Physical review letters 89 (7), 077003, 2002
Doping Dependence of the Mass Enhancement in at the Antinodal Point in the Superconducting and Normal States
TK Kim, AA Kordyuk, SV Borisenko, A Koitzsch, M Knupfer, H Berger, ...
Physical Review Letters 91 (16), 167002, 2003
Joys and Pitfalls of Fermi Surface Mapping in Using Angle Resolved Photoemission
SV Borisenko, MS Golden, S Legner, T Pichler, C Dürr, M Knupfer, J Fink, ...
Physical Review Letters 84 (19), 4453, 2000
One-sign order parameter in iron based superconductor
SV Borisenko, VB Zabolotnyy, AA Kordyuk, DV Evtushinsky, TK Kim, ...
Symmetry 4 (1), 251-264, 2012
Anomalous Enhancement of the Coupling to the Magnetic Resonance Mode<? format?> in Underdoped Pb-Bi2212
SV Borisenko, AA Kordyuk, TK Kim, A Koitzsch, M Knupfer, J Fink, ...
Physical review letters 90 (20), 207001, 2003
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Articles 1–20