Rainer Kurz
Cited by
Cited by
Competency and individual performance: Modelling the world of work
R Kurz, D Bartram
Organizational effectiveness: The role of psychology, 227-255, 2002
The SHL competency framework
D Bartram, R Kurz, R Bailey
Internal SHL Memorandum, 2000
Assessing potential and performance at work: The Great Eight competencies
R Kurz, D Bartram, H Baron
Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Occupational Conference, 91-95, 2004
Effective integration of 360 degree feedback into the coaching process
A McDowall, R Kurz
The Coaching Psychologist 4 (1), 7-19, 2008
Cracking competencies: Development of the SHL competency framework
R Bailey, D Bartram, R Kurz
Poster at the British psychological society centennial conference, 2001
Automated prediction of managerial competencies from personality and ability variables
R Kurz
Proceedings of the BPS Test User Conference, 96-101, 1999
Coaching with Saville consulting wave™
R Kurz, R MacIver
Psychometrics in Coaching: Using Psychological and Psychometric Tools for …, 2008
Let’s turn validation on its head
D Bartram, H Baron, R Kurz
Occupational Psychology Conference of the British Psychological Society …, 2003
Organizational effectiveness: The role of psychology
R Kurz, D Bartram, IT Robertson, M Callinan, D Bartram
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd,, 2002
The Great Eight Competencies: Meta-analysis using a criterion-centric approach to validation
D Bartram, R Kurz, H Baron
Surrey, UK: SHL Group plc. Retrieved April 10, 2008, 2003
The Great 8 as a framework for validation research
H Baron, D Bartram, R Kurz
Proceedings of the British Psychological Society Occupational Conference, 71-74, 2003
Saville Consulting WaveŽ Professional Styles Handbook
P Saville, R MacIver, R Kurz
Jersey: Saville Consulting Group, 2012
Project Epsom: How Valid Is Your Questionnaire?
P Saville, R MacIver, R Kurz, T Hopton
A summary of a comparison of personality questionnaires in measuring …, 2008
Competency and Individual Performance: Modelling the World of Work. U: Robertson, IT, Callinan, M., Bartram, D.(ur.): Organizational Effectiveness: The Role of Psychology (str …
R Kurz
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2002
The SHL Competency Framework, Internal SHL Memorandum
D Bartram, R Kurz, R Bailey
Thames Ditton: SHL, 2000
i Bartram, D.(2002)“Competency and individual performance: Modeling the world of work”, U: IT Robertson, M. Callinam i D. Bartram (ur.), Organizational Effectiveness: The Role …
R Kurz
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, str 227, 255, 0
The Structure of Work Effectiveness as Measured through the Saville Consulting WaveŽ Performance 360'BA-G'Model of Behaviour, Ability and Global Performance
R Kurz
Assessment & Development Matters 1 (1), 15-18, 2009
Three generations of on-screen aptitude tests: Equivalence of superiority
R Kurz, T Evans
British Psychological Society Occupational Psychology Conference Compendium …, 2004
The facets of occupational testing: General reasoning ability, residual aptitudes & speed-accuracy balance
RH Kurz
PQDT-Global, 2000
Emotional agility–a new language and paradigm for psychiatry
R Kurz
European Psychiatry 33, S211, 2016
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Articles 1–20