Brenton M. Wiernik
Brenton M. Wiernik
Meta, Demography and Survey Science
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Cited by
performance: Assessment of regression models performance
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, MS Ben-Shachar, I Patil, P Waggoner, ...
R package, 2021
bayestestR: Understand and describe Bayesian models and posterior distributions
D Makowski, D Lüdecke, MS Ben-Shachar, I Patil, MD Wilson, BM Wiernik
R package, 2021
The modeling and assessment of work performance
JP Campbell, BM Wiernik
Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 2 (1 …, 2015
correlation: Methods for correlation analysis
D Makowski, BM Wiernik, I Patil, D Lüdecke, MS Ben‐Shachar
R package, 2021
Age and environmental sustainability: a meta-analysis
BM Wiernik, DS Ones, S Dilchert
Journal of Managerial Psychology 28 (7/8), 826-856, 2013
parameters: Processing of model parameters
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, MS Ben-Shachar, I Patil, S Højsgaard, ...
R package, 2021
psychmeta: An R Package for Psychometric Meta-Analysis
JA Dahlke, BM Wiernik
Applied psychological measurement 43 (5), 415-416, 2019
Appropriate use of bifactor analysis in psychopathology research: Appreciating benefits and limitations
MA Bornovalova, AM Choate, H Fatimah, KJ Petersen, BM Wiernik
Biological psychiatry 88 (1), 18-27, 2020
Protean and boundaryless career orientations: A critical review and meta-analysis.
BM Wiernik, JW Kostal
Journal of counseling psychology 66 (3), 280, 2019
Age and employee green behaviors: A meta-analysis
BM Wiernik, S Dilchert, DS Ones
Frontiers in psychology 7, 194, 2016
Personality characteristics of male and female executives: Distinct pathways to success?
B Wille, BM Wiernik, J Vergauwe, A Vrijdags, N Trbovic
Journal of Vocational Behavior 106, 220-235, 2018
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty
N Breznau, EM Rinke, A Wuttke, HHV Nguyen, M Adem, J Adriaans, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (44), e2203150119, 2022
The role of commitment in bridging the gap between organizational sustainability and environmental sustainability
J Mesmer-Magnus, C Viswesvaran, BM Wiernik
Managing HR for environmental sustainability, 155-186, 2012
Deciding whether to work after retirement: The role of the psychological experience of aging
U Fasbender, J Deller, M Wang, BM Wiernik
Journal of Vocational Behavior 84 (3), 215-224, 2014
Obtaining unbiased results in meta-analysis: The importance of correcting for statistical artifacts
BM Wiernik, JA Dahlke
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3 (1), 94-123, 2020
insight: Easy access to model information for various model objects
D Lüdecke, D Makowski, I Patil, P Waggoner, MS Ben-Shachar, ...
R package, 2021
The validity of the Big Five personality traits for job performance: Meta‐analyses of South African studies
N Van Aarde, D Meiring, BM Wiernik
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 25 (3), 223-239, 2017
ggtext: Improved text rendering support for ‘ggplot2’
CO Wilke, BM Wiernik
R package version 0.1 1, 2020
glmmTMB: Generalized linear mixed models using template model builder
M Brooks, B Bolker, K Kristensen, M Maechler, A Magnusson, ...
R package, 2022
see: An R package for visualizing statistical models
D Lüdecke, I Patil, MS Ben-Shachar, BM Wiernik, P Waggoner, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 6 (64), 3393, 2021
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Articles 1–20