Magnezi Racheli
Magnezi Racheli
Prof of Health Policy and Management
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Cited by
Assessor Type, Number of Distinguishable Dimension Categories, and Assessment Centre Construct Validity
RM Abraham Sagie
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 70, 103-108, 1997
Frequent Surfing on Social Health Networks is Associated With Increased Knowledge and Patient Health Activation
MHA Dafna Grosberg1, RN, MPH Haya Grinvald2, MD Haim Reuveni3, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 18, 2016
Online Activity and Participation in Treatment Affects the Perceived Efficacy of Social Health Networks Among Patients With Chronic Illness
PD Racheli Magnezi, MBA, PD Yoav S Bergman, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 16, 2014
Psychometric Properties of the Hebrew Translation of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM-13)
SG Racheli Magnezi1*
PLoS ONE 9, 2014
Characteristics of patients seeking health information online via social health networks versus general Internet sites: A comparative study
LSF Racheli Magnezi, Dafna Grosberg, AIlya Novikov, Arnona Ziv,Mordechai Shani
Informatics for Health and Social Care 40, 2014
Assessment of Israeli Physicians’ Knowledge, Experience and Attitudes towards Medical Cannabis: A Pilot Study
RMPDMBA Tanya Ebert MD1*, Yuval Zolotov MHA1, Shani Eliav RN1,3, Orit ...
The Israel Medical Association journal 17, 437-441, 2015
Comparison between neurostimulation techniques repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation vs electroconvulsive therapy for the treatment of resistant depression: patient …
PD Racheli Magnezi, Emanuel Aminov, Dikla shmuel, Merav Dreifuss
Patient Preference and Adherence Volume 10, 1481-1487, 2016
Off-Label Use of Sodium Valproate for Schizophrenia
RM Einav Horowitz1*, Lisa Carroll Bergman2, Charna Ashkenazy3, Irit Moscona ...
PLoS ONE 9, e92573, 2014
Association of Immunotherapy With Durable Survivalas Defined by Value Frameworks for Cancer Care
MHA Omer Ben-Aharon, MBA, MHA Racheli Magnezi, PhD, MBA, ...
JAMA Oncology, 2017
WhatsApp Tele-Medicine–usage patterns and physicians views on the platform
E Barayev, O Shental, D Yaari, E Zloczower, I Shemesh, M Shapiro, ...
Israel journal of health policy research 10 (1), 34, 2021
Median Survival or Mean Survival: Which Measure Is the Most Appropriate for Patients, Physicians, and Policymakers?
O Ben‐Aharon, R Magnezi, M Leshno, DA Goldstein
The oncologist, 2019
Patient safety and staff psychological safety: a mixed methods study on aspects of teamwork in the operating room
D Arad, A Finkelstein, R Rozenblum, R Magnezi
Frontiers in public health 10, 1060473, 2022
Cigarette and Nargila (Water Pipe) Use Among Israeli Arab High School Students: Prevalence and Determinants of Tobacco Smoking
LKR Magnezi
The Scientific World Journal 8, 517-525, 2008
Introducing a change in hospital policy using FMEA methodology as a tool to reduce patient hazards
SBOT Fanny Ofek1*, Racheli Magnezi2, Yaffa Kurzweil3, Inbal Gazit3
Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 5, 2016
Rate, risk factors and assessment of a counselling intervention for antenatal depression by public health nurses in an Israeli ultra-orthodox community
VBRM Saralee Glasser, Lea Hadad, Rena Bina
Journal of Advanced Nursing 72, 2016
Would Your Patient Prefer to Be Considered Your Friend? Patient Preferences in Physician Relationships
PD Racheli Magnezi, MBA, PhD1, Lisa Carroll Bergman, PhD1, and Sara Urowitz, MSW
Health Education & Behavior, 1-10, 2014
Does drug price-regulation affect healthcare expenditures?
O Ben-Aharon, O Shavit, R Magnezi
The European Journal of Health Economics 18, 859-867, 2017
Outsourcing primary medical care in Israeli defense forces: Decision-makers' versus clients' perspectives
HR Racheli Magnezi, Rachel S Dankner, Ron Kedem
Health Policy 78, 1-7, 2006
Repeated automated mobile text messaging reminders for follow-up of positive fecal occult blood tests: randomized controlled trial
R Azulay, L Valinsky, F Hershkowitz, R Magnezi
JMIR mHealth and uHealth 7 (2), e11114, 2019
Using the failure mode and effects analysis model to improve parathyroid hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone testing
Risk Management and Healthcare Policy Volume 9, 271-274, 2016
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Articles 1–20