Ellen K. Bledsoe
Cited by
Cited by
Developing an automated iterative near‐term forecasting system for an ecological study
EP White, GM Yenni, SD Taylor, EM Christensen, EK Bledsoe, JL Simonis, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 10 (3), 332-344, 2019
Developing a modern data workflow for regularly updated data
GM Yenni, EM Christensen, EK Bledsoe, SR Supp, RM Diaz, EP White, ...
PLoS Biology 17 (1), e3000125, 2019
Cultivating inclusive instructional and research environments in ecology and evolutionary science
NC Emery, EK Bledsoe, AO Hasley, CD Eaton
Ecology and Evolution 11 (4), 1480-1491, 2021
What is the sound of fear? Behavioral responses of white-crowned sparrows Zonotrichia leucophrys to synthesized nonlinear acoustic phenomena
EK Blesdoe, DT Blumstein
Current Zoology 60 (4), 534-541, 2014
Data science in undergraduate life science education: a need for instructor skills training
NC Emery, E Crispo, SR Supp, KJ Farrell, AJ Kerkhoff, EK Bledsoe, ...
BioScience 71 (12), 1274-1287, 2021
The Portal Project: a long-term study of a Chihuahuan desert ecosystem
SKM Ernest, GM Yenni, G Allington, EK Bledsoe, EM Christensen, ...
BioRxiv, 332783, 2018
Data rescue: saving environmental data from extinction
EK Bledsoe, JB Burant, GT Higino, DG Roche, SA Binning, K Finlay, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 289 (1979), 20220938, 2022
Temporal changes in species composition affect a ubiquitous species’ use of habitat patches
EK Bledsoe, SKM Ernest
Ecology 100 (11), e02869, 2019
portalr: an R package for summarizing and using the Portal Project Data
EM Christensen, GM Yenni, H Ye, JL Simonis, EK Bledsoe, R Diaz, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 4 (33), 1098, 2019
Seasonal and annual dynamics of western Canadian boreal forest plant communities: A legacy dataset spanning four decades
AV Hesketh, JA Loesberg, EK Blesdose, J Karst, SE Macdonald
Ecology, e3805, 2022
Postdoctoral scientists are mentors, and it is time to recognize their work
G Higino, C Barros, E Bledsoe, DG Roche, SA Binning, T Poisot
PLoS Biology 21 (11), e3002349, 2023
An introduction to ally skills for natural history collections professionals
MA Phillips, H Ye, EK Bledsoe
Journal of natural science collections 9, 2021
Data-Driven Decision-Making: Antarctic Fisheries
J Golding, D Andersen, E Bledsoe
BEDE Network Data Science Skills Curriculum Map
KL O'Donnell, M Aiello-Lammens, E Bledsoe, FJ Bowlick, L Broughton, ...
Notes from the past show how local variability can stymie urchins and the rise of the reds in the Gulf of Maine
JEK Byrnes, A Brown, K Sheridan, T Peller, J Lawlor, J Beaulieu, J Muņoz, ...
Ecosphere 15 (4), e4800, 2024
Snake herders: novel anti-predator behavior by black-tailed prairie dogs in response to prairie rattlesnakes
JL Verdolin, EK Bledsoe
Journal of Ethology 42 (1), 3-8, 2024
portalcasting: Supporting automated forecasting of rodent populations
JL Simonis, GM Yenni, EK Bledsoe, EM Christensen, H Senyondo, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 7 (72), 3220, 2022
The Role of Patch-and Landscape-Level Processes in Shaping Desert Rodent Communities
EK Bledsoe
University of Florida, 2020
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Articles 1–18