Taylor Winter
Taylor Winter
Other namesTaylor Jacob Winter
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Cited by
Evaluation of the English Version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale and Its Relationship with Behavior Change and Political Beliefs
T Winter, BC Riordan, AH Pakpour, MD Griffiths, A Mason, JW Poulgrain, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2020
Taking a break from social media improves wellbeing through sleep quality
S Graham, A Mason, B Riordan, T Winter, D Scarf
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 24 (6), 421-425, 2021
Conspiracy beliefs and distrust of science predicts reluctance of vaccine uptake of politically right-wing citizens
T Winter, BC Riordan, D Scarf, PE Jose
Vaccine 40 (12), 1896-1903, 2022
Association of viewing the films Joker or Terminator: Dark Fate with prejudice toward individuals with mental illness
D Scarf, H Zimmerman, T Winter, H Boden, S Graham, BC Riordan, ...
JAMA network open 3 (4), e203423-e203423, 2020
Association between experience of racial discrimination and hazardous alcohol use among Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand
T Winter, BC Riordan, A Surace, D Scarf
Addiction 114 (12), 2241-2246, 2019
Fooling the brain by mirroring the hand: brain correlates of the perceptual capture of limb ownership
EA Franz, Y Fu, M Moore, T Winter, T Mayne, R Debnath, C Stringer
Restorative neurology and neuroscience 34 (5), 721-732, 2016
Scalp simulation–A novel approach to site-specific biomechanical modeling of the skin
N Pittar, T Winter, L Falland-Cheung, D Tong, JN Waddell
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 77, 308-313, 2018
Implication of the anterior commissure in the allocation of attention to action
TJ Winter, EA Franz
Frontiers in psychology 5, 432, 2014
Use of agar/glycerol and agar/glycerol/water as a translucent brain simulant for ballistic testing
L Falland-Cheung, JN Waddell, MS Lazarjan, MC Jermy, T Winter, ...
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 65, 665-671, 2017
Hey Google! will New Zealand vote to legalise cannabis? Using Google Trends data to predict the outcome of the 2020 New Zealand cannabis referendum
JE Raubenheimer, BC Riordan, JE Merrill, T Winter, RM Ward, D Scarf, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 90, 103083, 2021
Do New Zealand sexual minorities engage in more hazardous drinking than non‐sexual minorities?
A Surace, B Riordan, T Winter
Drug and Alcohol Review, 2019
Left-wing support of authoritarian submission to protect against societal threat
T Winter, PE Jose, BC Riordan, B Bizumic, T Ruffman, JA Hunter, ...
PLoS one 17 (7), e0269930, 2022
Quantification of subconcussive impact forces to the head using a forensic model
DC Tong, TJ Winter, J Jin, AC Bennett, JN Waddell
Journal of clinical neuroscience 22 (4), 747-751, 2015
A longitudinal study of mental wellbeing in students in Aotearoa New Zealand who transitioned into PhD study
T Winter, BC Riordan, JA Hunter, K Tustin, M Gollop, N Taylor, J Kokaua, ...
Frontiers in psychology 12, 659163, 2021
Does the fear of missing out moderate the relationship between social networking use and affect? A daily diary study
BC Riordan, T Winter, JAM Flett, A Mason, D Scarf, PE Jose, TS Conner
Psychological reports 125 (6), 3084-3099, 2022
Police Ten 7 feeds racial stereotypes of Maori and Pasifika peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand.
R Yan, R Fox, WA Rapana, W Waitoki, T McCreanor, AM Barnes, ...
New Zealand Journal of Psychology 52 (1), 41-47, 2023
Monitoring the sentiment of cannabis‐related tweets in the lead up to New Zealand's cannabis referendum
BC Riordan, J Raubenheimer, RM Ward, JE Merrill, T Winter, D Scarf
Drug and alcohol review 40 (5), 835-841, 2021
Identifying profiles of affective change: An ecological momentary assessment of flourishers.
T Winter, TS Conner, PE Jose
Emotion 21 (3), 584, 2021
Why so serious? An attempt to mitigate the short-term harmful effects of the film Joker on prejudice toward people with mental illness
JW Poulgrain, NM Bremner, H Zimmerman, CW Jao, T Winter, ...
Behavioral Sciences 12 (10), 384, 2022
The effect of motherhood on pay
SN Zealand
Effect of motherhood on pay–summary of results: June 2016 quarter, 2016
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Articles 1–20