Testing the sensitivity of geomorphic indices in areas of low-rate active folding (eastern Betic Cordillera, Spain) A Pedrera, JV Pérez-Peńa, J Galindo-Zaldívar, JM Azańón, A Azor Geomorphology 105 (3-4), 218-231, 2009 | 208 | 2009 |
Combined time domain electromagnetic soundings and gravimetry to determine marine intrusion in a detrital coastal aquifer (Southern Spain) C Duque, ML Calvache, A Pedrera, W Martín-Rosales, M López-Chicano Journal of Hydrology 349 (3-4), 536-547, 2008 | 120 | 2008 |
Is there an active subduction beneath the Gibraltar orogenic arc? Constraints from Pliocene to present-day stress field A Pedrera, A Ruiz-Constan, J Galindo-Zaldívar, A Chalouan, ... Journal of Geodynamics 52 (2), 83-96, 2011 | 106 | 2011 |
Integrated geophysical methods for studying the karst system of Gruta de las Maravillas (Aracena, Southwest Spain) FJ Martínez-Moreno, J Galindo-Zaldívar, A Pedrera, T Teixido, P Ruano, ... Journal of Applied Geophysics 107, 149-162, 2014 | 102 | 2014 |
Active faults, seismicity and stresses in an internal boundary of a tectonic arc (Campo de Dalías and Níjar, southeastern Betic Cordilleras, Spain) C Marín-Lechado, J Galindo-Zaldívar, LR Rodríguez-Fernández, ... Tectonophysics 396 (1-2), 81-96, 2005 | 79 | 2005 |
Combined microgravity, electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarization to detect deeply buried caves: Algaidilla cave (Southern Spain) FJ Martínez-Moreno, A Pedrera, P Ruano, J Galindo-Zaldívar, ... Engineering Geology 162, 67-78, 2013 | 78 | 2013 |
Reconstruction of the exhumed mantle across the North Iberian Margin by crustal‐scale 3‐D gravity inversion and geological cross section A Pedrera, J García‐Senz, C Ayala, A Ruiz‐Constán, ... Tectonics 36 (12), 3155-3177, 2017 | 77 | 2017 |
The late jurassic–early cretaceous rifting J Martín-Chivelet, J López-Gómez, R Aguado, C Arias, J Arribas, ... The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach: Volume 3: The Alpine Cycle …, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
Age of anatexis in the crustal footwall of the Ronda peridotites, S Spain A Acosta-Vigil, D Rubatto, O Bartoli, B Cesare, S Meli, A Pedrera, A Azor, ... Lithos 210, 147-167, 2014 | 70 | 2014 |
Evolution of the South-Iberian paleomargin: From hyperextension to continental subduction A Pedrera, A Ruiz-Constán, J García-Senz, A Azor, C Marín-Lechado, ... Journal of Structural Geology 138, 104122, 2020 | 56 | 2020 |
The oldest managed aquifer recharge system in Europe: New insights from the Espino recharge channel (Sierra Nevada, southern Spain) S Martos-Rosillo, A Ruiz-Constán, A González-Ramón, R Mediavilla, ... Journal of Hydrology 578, 124047, 2019 | 55 | 2019 |
Stress distribution at the transition from subduction to continental collision (northwestern and central Betic Cordillera) A Ruiz‐Constán, J Galindo‐Zaldívar, A Pedrera, B Celerier, ... Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 12 (12), 2011 | 55 | 2011 |
Mountain front development by folding and crustal thickening in the Internal Zone of the Betic Cordillera-Alboran Sea boundary C Marín-Lechado, J Galindo-Zaldívar, LR Rodríguez-Fernández, ... Pure and Applied Geophysics 164, 1-21, 2007 | 53 | 2007 |
Inversion of the north Iberian hyperextended margin: the role of exhumed mantle indentation during continental collision J García-Senz, A Pedrera, C Ayala, A Ruiz-Constán, A Robador, ... Geological Society, London, Special Publications 490 (1), 177-198, 2020 | 50 | 2020 |
Recent and active faults and folds in the central-eastern Internal Zones of the Betic Cordillera ZI de la Cordillera Bética, A Pedrera, J Galindo-Zaldívar, ... Journal of Iberian Geology 38 (1), 191-208, 2012 | 43 | 2012 |
Fault and fold interaction during the development of the Neogene-Quaternary Almería-Níjar basin (SE Betic Cordilleras) A Pedrera, C Marín-Lechado, J Galindo-Zaldívar, ... Geological Society, London, Special Publications 262 (1), 217-230, 2006 | 41 | 2006 |
Constraints on the frontal crustal structure of a continental collision from an integrated geophysical research: The central‐western Betic Cordillera (SW Spain) A Ruiz‐Constán, A Pedrera, J Galindo‐Zaldívar, J Pous, J Arzate, ... Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 13 (8), 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Levelling profiles and a GPS network to monitor the active folding and faulting deformation in the Campo de Dalias (Betic Cordillera, Southeastern Spain) C Marín-Lechado, J Galindo-Zaldívar, AJ Gil, MJ Borque, MC De Lacy, ... Sensors 10 (4), 3504-3518, 2010 | 40 | 2010 |
Are the seismological and geological observations of the Al Hoceima (Morocco, Rif) 2004 earthquake (M= 6.3) contradictory? J Galindo-Zaldívar, A Chalouan, O Azzouz, CS De Galdeano, F Anahnah, ... Tectonophysics 475 (1), 59-67, 2009 | 39 | 2009 |
Regional and residual anomaly separation in microgravity maps for cave detection: The case study of Gruta de las Maravillas (SW Spain) FJ Martínez-Moreno, J Galindo-Zaldívar, A Pedrera, T Teixidó, JA Peńa, ... Journal of applied geophysics 114, 1-11, 2015 | 37 | 2015 |