The method of hypersequents in the proof theory of propositional non-classical logics A Avron na, 1996 | 370 | 1996 |
Reasoning with logical bilattices O Arieli, A Avron Journal of Logic, Language and Information 5, 25-63, 1996 | 366 | 1996 |
The value of the four values O Arieli, A Avron Artificial Intelligence 102 (1), 97-141, 1998 | 356 | 1998 |
Natural 3-valued logics—characterization and proof theory A Avron The Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1), 276-294, 1991 | 347 | 1991 |
Simple consequence relations A Avron Information and Computation 92 (1), 105-139, 1991 | 330 | 1991 |
Hypersequents, logical consequence and intermediate logics for concurrency A Avron Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence 4, 225-248, 1991 | 255 | 1991 |
Non-deterministic multiple-valued structures A Avron, I Lev Journal of Logic and Computation 15 (3), 241-261, 2005 | 254 | 2005 |
The semantics and proof theory of linear logic A Avron Theoretical Computer Science 57 (2-3), 161-184, 1988 | 247 | 1988 |
A constructive analysis of RM A Avron The Journal of symbolic logic 52 (4), 939-951, 1987 | 197 | 1987 |
Non-deterministic semantics for logical systems A Avron, A Zamansky Handbook of Philosophical Logic: Volume 16, 227-304, 2010 | 196 | 2010 |
Using typed lambda calculus to implement formal systems on a machine A Avron, F Honsell, IA Mason, R Pollack Journal of Automated Reasoning 9, 309-354, 1992 | 158 | 1992 |
Canonical propositional Gentzen-type systems A Avron, I Lev International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 529-544, 2001 | 152 | 2001 |
Gentzen-type systems, resolution and tableaux A Avron Journal of Automated reasoning 10, 265-281, 1993 | 140 | 1993 |
On modal systems having arithmetical interpretations A Avron The Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (3), 935-942, 1984 | 95 | 1984 |
On an implication connective of RM. A Avron Notre Dame J. Formal Log. 27 (2), 201-209, 1986 | 92 | 1986 |
Non-deterministic semantics for logics with a consistency operator A Avron International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 45 (2), 271-287, 2007 | 87 | 2007 |
The structure of interlaced bilattices A Avron Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 6 (3), 287-299, 1996 | 85 | 1996 |
Non-deterministic matrices and modular semantics of rules A Avron Logica universalis: towards a general theory of logic, 149-167, 2005 | 83 | 2005 |
Ideal paraconsistent logics O Arieli, A Avron, A Zamansky Studia Logica 99, 31-60, 2011 | 81 | 2011 |
Cut-free ordinary sequent calculi for logics having generalized finite-valued semantics A Avron, J Ben-Naim, B Konikowska Logica Universalis 1, 41-70, 2007 | 75 | 2007 |