Ralph Miller
Ralph Miller
Distinguished Professor of Psychology, State University of New York at Binghamton
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Retrograde amnesia produced by electroconvulsive shock after reactivation of a consolidated memory trace
JR Misanin, RR Miller, DJ Lewis
Science 160 (3827), 554-555, 1968
Machiavellianism: a synthesis of the evolutionary and psychological literatures.
DS Wilson, D Near, RR Miller
Psychological bulletin 119 (2), 285, 1996
The comparator hypothesis: A response rule for the expression of associations
RR Miller, LD Matzel
Psychology of learning and motivation 22, 51-92, 1988
Assessment of the Rescorla-Wagner model.
RR Miller, RC Barnet, NJ Grahame
Psychological bulletin 117 (3), 363, 1995
What's elementary about associative learning?
EA Wasserman, RR Miller
Annual review of psychology 48 (1), 573-607, 1997
Sometimes-competing retrieval (SOCR): a formalization of the comparator hypothesis.
SC Stout, RR Miller
Psychological Review 114 (3), 759, 2007
The role of cognition in classical and operant conditioning
I Kirsch, SJ Lynn, M Vigorito, RR Miller
Journal of clinical psychology 60 (4), 369-392, 2004
Amnesia, consolidation, and retrieval.
RR Miller, AD Springer
Psychological review 80 (1), 69, 1973
Recovery of an overshadowed association achieved by extinction of the overshadowing stimulus
LD Matzel, TR Schachtman, RR Miller
Learning and Motivation 16 (4), 398-412, 1985
Conducting exposure treatment in multiple contexts can prevent relapse
LM Gunther, JC Denniston, RR Miller
Behaviour research and therapy 36 (1), 75-91, 1998
Information and expression of simultaneous and backward associations: Implications for contiguity theory
LD Matzel, FP Held, RR Miller
Learning and motivation 19 (4), 317-344, 1988
Individual differences in Machiavellianism as a mix of cooperative and exploitative strategies
DS Wilson, DC Near, RR Miller
Evolution and Human Behavior 19 (3), 203-212, 1998
The extended comparator hypothesis: Learning by contiguity, responding by relative strength
JC Denniston, HI Savastano, RR Miller
Handbook of contemporary learning theories, 65-117, 2000
Biological significance in forward and backward blocking: resolution of a discrepancy between animal conditioning and human causal judgment.
RR Miller, H Matute
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 125 (4), 370, 1996
Conditioning context as an associative base-line: Implications for response generation and the nature of conditioned inhibition
RR Miller
Information processing in animals: Conditioned inhibition, 51-88, 1985
Time as content in Pavlovian conditioning
HI Savastano, RR Miller
Behavioural Processes 44 (2), 147-162, 1998
Reasoning rats: forward blocking in Pavlovian animal conditioning is sensitive to constraints of causal inference.
T Beckers, RR Miller, J De Houwer, K Urushihara
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135 (1), 92, 2006
The role of time in elementary associations
RR Miller, RC Barnet
Current Directions in Psychological Science 2 (4), 106-111, 1993
Outcome additivity and outcome maximality influence cue competition in human causal learning.
T Beckers, J De Houwer, O Pineno, RR Miller
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 31 (2), 238, 2005
Retrieval variability: Sources and consequences
RR Miller, WJ Kasprow, TR Schachtman
The American journal of psychology, 145-218, 1986
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Articles 1–20