Francois T.H. Yu
Francois T.H. Yu
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A local increase in red blood cell aggregation can trigger deep vein thrombosis: evidence based on quantitative cellular ultrasound imaging
FTH Yu, JK Armstrong, J Tripette, HJ Meiselman, G Cloutier
Journal of thrombosis and haemostasis 9 (3), 481-488, 2011
Experimental ultrasound characterization of red blood cell aggregation using the structure factor size estimator
FTH Yu, G Cloutier
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 122 (1), 645-656, 2007
Effect of acoustic conditions on microbubble-mediated microvascular sonothrombolysis
JE Leeman, JS Kim, TH Francois, X Chen, K Kim, J Wang, X Chen, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 38 (9), 1589-1598, 2012
Ultrasound characterization of red blood cell aggregation with intervening attenuating tissue-mimicking phantoms
E Franceschini, FTH Yu, F Destrempes, G Cloutier
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (2), 1104-1115, 2010
Low intensity ultrasound mediated liposomal doxorubicin delivery using polymer microbubbles
FTH Yu, X Chen, J Wang, B Qin, FS Villanueva
Molecular pharmaceutics 13 (1), 55-64, 2016
Unifying concepts of statistical and spectral quantitative ultrasound techniques
F Destrempes, E Franceschini, TH François, G Cloutier
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (2), 488-500, 2015
Ultrasonic parametric imaging of erythrocyte aggregation using the structure factor size estimator
FTH Yu, É Franceschini, B Chayer, JK Armstrong, HJ Meiselman, ...
Biorheology 46 (4), 343-363, 2009
Increased shear rate resistance and fastest kinetics of erythrocyte aggregation in diabetes measured with ultrasound
G Cloutier, A Zimmer, FTH Yu, JL Chiasson
Diabetes care 31 (7), 1400-1402, 2008
Simultaneous estimation of attenuation and structure parameters of aggregated red blood cells from backscatter measurements
E Franceschini, FTH Yu, G Cloutier
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (4), EL85-EL91, 2008
The role of nitric oxide during sonoreperfusion of microvascular obstruction
TH Francois, X Chen, AC Straub, JJ Pacella
Theranostics 7 (14), 3527, 2017
Cyclic changes in blood echogenicity under pulsatile flow are frequency dependent
LC Nguyen, TH François, G Cloutier
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 34 (4), 664-673, 2008
Inertial cavitation ultrasound with microbubbles improves reperfusion efficacy when combined with tissue plasminogen activator in an in vitro model of microvascular obstruction
A Goyal, TH Francois, MG Tenwalde, X Chen, A Althouse, FS Villanueva, ...
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 43 (7), 1391-1400, 2017
Radial modulation contrast imaging using a 20-MHz single-element intravascular ultrasound catheter
TH Francois, FS Villanueva, X Chen
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 61 …, 2014
The effect of ultrasound pulse length on microbubble cavitation induced antibody accumulation and distribution in a mouse model of breast cancer
M Amate, J Goldgewicht, B Sellamuthu, J Stagg, TH Francois
Nanotheranostics 4 (4), 256, 2020
Method and system of ultrasound scatterer characterization
G Cloutier, F Yu, E Franceschini, D Savery
US Patent 9,389,204, 2016
Effect of thrombus composition and viscosity on sonoreperfusion efficacy in a model of micro-vascular obstruction
JJ Black, TH Francois, RG Schnatz, X Chen, FS Villanueva, JJ Pacella
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 42 (9), 2220-2231, 2016
Volumetric quantification of in vitro sonothrombolysis with microbubbles using high-resolution optical coherence tomography
JS Kim, JE Leeman, L Kagemann, FTH Yu, X Chen, JJ Pacella, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 17 (7), 070502-070502, 2012
Targeted anti-cancer provascular therapy using ultrasound, microbubbles, and nitrite to increase radiotherapy efficacy
S Michon, F Rodier, FTH Yu
Bioconjugate Chemistry 33 (6), 1093-1105, 2022
Sonoreperfusion therapy for microvascular obstruction: A step toward clinical translation
F Istvanic, ZY Gary, TH Francois, J Powers, X Chen, JJ Pacella
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 46 (3), 712-720, 2020
Sonoreperfusion therapy kinetics in whole blood using ultrasound, microbubbles and tissue plasminogen activator
ST Roos, TY François, O Kamp, X Chen, FS Villanueva, JJ Pacella
Ultrasound in medicine & biology 42 (12), 3001-3009, 2016
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Articles 1–20