Zhan Shi
Cited by
Cited by
Certified robustness of graph convolution networks for graph classification under topological attacks
H Jin, Z Shi, VJSA Peruri, X Zhang
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 33, 8463-8474, 2020
Bregman divergence for stochastic variance reduction: saddle-point and adversarial prediction
Z Shi, X Zhang, Y Yu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 30, 2017
Generalised lipschitz regularisation equals distributional robustness
Z Cranko, Z Shi, X Zhang, R Nock, S Kornblith
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2178-2188, 2021
Monge blunts bayes: Hardness results for adversarial training
Z Cranko, A Menon, R Nock, CS Ong, Z Shi, C Walder
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1406-1415, 2019
Lipschitz Networks and Distributional Robustness
Z Cranko, S Kornblith, Z Shi, R Nock
arXiv preprint arXiv:1809.01129, 2018
Inductive Two-layer Modeling with Parametric Bregman Transfer
V Ganapathiraman, Z Shi, X Zhang, Y Yu
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1636-1645, 2018
Distributionally Robust Structure Learning for Discrete Pairwise Markov Networks
Y Li, Z Shi, X Zhang, B Ziebart
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 8997-9016, 2022
Distributionally Adversarial Learning
Z Shi
University of Illinois at Chicago, 2021
Continual Poisoning of Generative Models to Promote Catastrophic Forgetting
S Kang, Z Shi, X Zhang
NeurIPS ML Safety Workshop, 0
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Articles 1–9