Shmuel Y. Hayoun
Cited by
Cited by
Path following using trajectory shaping guidance
A Ratnoo, SY Hayoun, A Granot, T Shima
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (1), 106-116, 2014
A mixed L2/Lα differential game approach to pursuit-evasion guidance
SY Hayoun, M Weiss, T Shima
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52 (6), 2775-2788, 2016
A mixed L2/Lα differential game approach to pursuit-evasion guidance
SY Hayoun, M Weiss, T Shima
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52 (6), 2775-2788, 2016
Integrating deep reinforcement and supervised learning to expedite indoor mapping
E Zwecher, E Iceland, SR Levy, SY Hayoun, O Gal, A Barel
2022 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 10542-10548, 2022
Necessary Conditions for “Hit-to-Kill” in Missile Interception Engagements
SY Hayoun, T Shima
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 41 (4), 916-928, 2018
On guaranteeing point capture in linear n-on-1 endgame interception engagements with bounded controls
SY Hayoun, T Shima
Automatica 85, 122-128, 2017
A Two-on-One Linear Pursuit–Evasion Game with Bounded Controls
SY Hayoun, T Shima
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 174 (3), 837-857, 2017
Integrating deep-learning-based image completion and motion planning to expedite indoor mapping
SY Hayoun, E Zwecher, E Iceland, A Revivo, SR Levy, A Barel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.02043, 2020
On the value of differential game with asymmetric control constraints
V Turetsky, SY Hayoun, T Shima, A Tarasyev
IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (32), 799-804, 2018
Physics and semantic informed multi-sensor calibration via optimization theory and self-supervised learning
SY Hayoun, M Halachmi, D Serebro, K Twizer, E Medezinski, L Korkidi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.02856, 2022
Cooperative 2-on-1 bounded-control linear differential games
SY Hayoun, T Shima
Advances in Aerospace Guidance, Navigation and Control, 227-245, 2015
Deep-Learning-Aided Path Planning and Map Construction for Expediting Indoor Mapping
E Zwecher, E Iceland, SY Hayoun, A Revivo, SR Levy, A Barel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.02043, 2020
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Articles 1–12