Marko Cvejic
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Cited by
Stark broadening measurement of Al II lines in a laser-induced plasma
M Cirisan, M Cvejić, MR Gavrilović, S Jovićević, N Konjević, J Hermann
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 133, 652-662, 2014
Stark broadening of Mg I and Mg II spectral lines and Debye shielding effect in laser induced plasma
M Cvejić, MR Gavrilović, S Jovićević, N Konjević
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 85, 20-33, 2013
Effects of a Preembedded Axial Magnetic Field on the Current Distribution in a -Pinch Implosion
D Mikitchuk, M Cvejić, R Doron, E Kroupp, C Stollberg, Y Maron, ...
Physical review letters 122 (4), 045001, 2019
Secondary plasma formation after single pulse laser ablation underwater and its advantages for laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)
MR Gavrilović, M Cvejić, V Lazic, S Jovićević
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (21), 14629-14637, 2016
Self-generated plasma rotation in a Z-pinch implosion with preembedded axial magnetic field
M Cvejić, D Mikitchuk, E Kroupp, R Doron, P Sharma, Y Maron, ...
Physical review letters 128 (1), 015001, 2022
Dynamics of a Lightning Channel Corona Sheath Using a Generalized Traveling-Current-Source Return Stroke Model—Theory and Calculations
M Tausanovic, S Markovic, S Marjanovic, J Cvetic, M Cvejic
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 52 (3), 646-656, 2010
Investigation of thermodynamic equilibrium in laser-induced aluminum plasma using the Hα line profiles and Thomson scattering spectra
M Cvejić, K Dzierżęga, T Pięta
Applied Physics Letters 107 (2), 2015
A contribution to spectroscopic diagnostics and cathode sheath modeling of micro-hollow gas discharge in argon
M Cvejić, D Spasojević, NM Šišović, N Konjević
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (3), 2011
Neutral lithium spectral line 460.28 nm with forbidden component for low temperature plasma diagnostics of laser-induced plasma
M Cvejić, E Stambulchik, MR Gavrilović, S Jovićević, N Konjević
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 100, 86-97, 2014
Simultaneous plasma and electric field diagnostics of microdischarge from hydrogen Balmer line shape
D Spasojević, M Cvejić, NM Šišović, N Konjević
Applied Physics Letters 96 (24), 2010
Prostorna i vremenski razložena spektroskopska dijagnostika laserski indukovane plazme na čvrstoj meti u vazduhu na atmosferskom pritisku
MB Cvejić
Универзитет у Београду, 2014
Observation of fast current redistribution in an imploding plasma column
C Stollberg, E Kroupp, D Mikitchuk, P Sharma, V Bernshtam, M Cvejić, ...
Physical review letters 130 (20), 205101, 2023
Azimuthal magnetic field distribution in gas-puff -pinch implosions with and without external magnetic stabilization
N Aybar, M Dozieres, DB Reisman, M Cvejić, D Mikitchuk, F Conti, ...
Physical Review E 103 (5), 053205, 2021
Dependence of plasma-current coupling on current rise time in gas-puff Z-pinches
NA Aybar, F Conti, M Cvejić, D Mikitchuk, M Dozières, E Kroupp, J Narkis, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 50 (9), 2541-2547, 2022
Spectroscopic diagnostics of microhollow gas discharge in hydrogen
D Spasojević, M Cvejić, NM Šišović, N Konjević
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (9), 2012
Spectroscopic determination of magnetic fields in pulsed-power and high-energy-density plasmas
Y Maron, R Doron, M Cvejić, E Stambulchik, D Mikitchuk, C Stollberg, ...
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2023
Diagnostics of laser-induced plasma by optical emission spectroscopy
M Cvejić
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 565 (1), 012014, 2014
Electron density diagnostics of laser induced plasma in helium
M Cvejić, S Jovićević, E Mothe, L Mercadier, N Konjević, J Hermann
Publ. Astron. Obs. Belgrade 89, 189-192, 2010
The Beenakker's Cavity for Uniform Column of Nonequilibrium Argon Plasma Generation: Experiment and 3-D Modeling
AV Tatarinov, M Cvejić, IL Epstein, S Jovićević, N Konjević, YA Lebedev
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 42 (10), 2836-2837, 2014
Ion velocities measurements in Z-pinch with pre-embedded axial magnetic field
M Cvejić, D Mikitchuk, E Kroupp, R Doron, Y Maron, U Shumlak
IVS-IPSTA 2019, 6, 2019
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Articles 1–20