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Cited by
Recombination parameters of lifetime-limiting carrier-induced defects in multicrystalline silicon for solar cells
C Vargas, Y Zhu, G Coletti, C Chan, D Payne, M Jensen, Z Hameiri
Applied Physics Letters 110 (9), 092106, 2017
Photoluminescence imaging of silicon wafers and solar cells with spatially inhomogeneous illumination
Y Zhu, MK Juhl, T Trupke, Z Hameiri
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7 (4), 1087-1091, 2017
Efficient monolithic perovskite–Si tandem solar cells enabled by an ultra-thin indium tin oxide interlayer
J Zheng, W Duan, Y Guo, ZC Zhao, H Yi, FJ Ma, LG Caro, C Yi, J Bing, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 16 (3), 1223-1233, 2023
Application of the Newton–Raphson Method to Lifetime Spectroscopy for Extraction of Defect Parameters
Y Zhu, QT Le Gia, MK Juhl, G Coletti, Z Hameiri
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 7 (4), 1092-1097, 2017
Reassessments of Minority Carrier Traps in Silicon With Photoconductance Decay Measurements
Y Zhu, MK Juhl, G Coletti, Z Hameiri
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (3), 652-659, 2019
New insights into the thermally activated defects in n-type float-zone silicon
Y Zhu, F Rougieux, N Grant, J Mullins, JA De Guzman, JD Murphy, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2147 (1), 2019
Photoluminescence Imaging at Uniform Excess Carrier Density Using Adaptive Nonuniform Excitation
Y Zhu, FD Heinz, M Juhl, MC Schubert, T Trupke, Z Hameiri
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (6), 1787-1792, 2018
Extracting bulk defect parameters in silicon wafers using machine learning models
Y Buratti, QT Le Gia, J Dick, Y Zhu, Z Hameiri
npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 142, 2020
Review of injection dependent charge carrier lifetime spectroscopy
Y Zhu, Z Hameiri
Progress in Energy 3 (1), 012001, 2021
Assessing the defect responsible for LeTID: Temperature-and injection-dependent lifetime spectroscopy
MA Jensen, Y Zhu, EE Looney, AE Morishige, C Vargas, Z Hameiri, ...
2017 IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 3290-3294, 2017
Electrical Characterization of Thermally Activated Defects in n-Type Float-Zone Silicon
Y Zhu, F Rougieux, NE Grant, JAT De Guzman, JD Murphy, VP Markevich, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11 (1), 26-35, 2020
The principle of adaptive excitation for photoluminescence imaging of silicon: theory
FD Heinz, Y Zhu, Z Hameiri, M Juhl, T Trupke, MC Schubert
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 12 (7), 1800137, 2018
Detailed analysis of radiative transitions from defects in n-type monocrystalline silicon using temperature-and light intensity-dependent spectral Photoluminescence
M Pollard, Y Zhu, Z Hameiri
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 208, 110376, 2020
Injection Dependent Lifetime Spectroscopy for Two-Level Defects in Silicon
Y Zhu, G Coletti, Z Hameiri
2019 IEEE 46th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 0829-0832, 2019
Investigation of two-level defects in injection dependent lifetime spectroscopy
Y Zhu, C Sun, T Niewelt, G Coletti, Z Hameiri
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 216, 110692, 2020
On the Transient Negative Photoconductance in n-type Czochralski Silicon
Y Zhu, M Juhl, G Coletti, Z Hameiri
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (2), 421-427, 2018
Photoconductance Determination of Carrier Capture Cross Sections of Slow Traps in Silicon Through Variable Pulse Filling
M Siriwardhana, Y Zhu, Z Hameiri, D Macdonald, F Rougieux
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11 (2), 273-281, 2021
Advanced photoluminescence imaging using non‐uniform excitation
S Nie, Y Zhu, O Kunz, T Trupke, Z Hameiri
Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 30 (4), 349-359, 2022
On the Correlation between Light-Induced Degradation and Minority Carrier Traps in Boron-Doped Czochralski Silicon
S Jafari, Y Zhu, F Rougieux, JAT De Guzman, VP Markevich, AR Peaker, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (5), 6140-6146, 2021
Advanced characterization of defects in silicon wafers and solar cells
Y Zhu
UNSW Sydney, 2020
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Articles 1–20