Nitya Chawla
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Cited by
Working in a pandemic: Exploring the impact of COVID-19 health anxiety on work, family, and health outcomes.
JP Trougakos, N Chawla, JM McCarthy
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (11), 1234, 2020
The fatiguing effects of camera use in virtual meetings: A within-person field experiment.
KM Shockley, AS Gabriel, D Robertson, CC Rosen, N Chawla, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (8), 1137, 2021
Unplugging or staying connected? Examining the nature, antecedents, and consequences of profiles of daily recovery experiences.
N Chawla, RL MacGowan, AS Gabriel, NP Podsakoff
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (1), 19, 2020
What predicts within-person variance in applied psychology constructs? An empirical examination.
NP Podsakoff, TM Spoelma, N Chawla, AS Gabriel
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (6), 727, 2019
The self-sacrificial nature of leader identity: Understanding the costs and benefits at work and home.
K Lanaj, AS Gabriel, N Chawla
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (3), 345, 2021
Working through an “infodemic”: The impact of COVID-19 news consumption on employee uncertainty and work behaviors.
S Yoon, ST McClean, N Chawla, JK Kim, J Koopman, CC Rosen, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (4), 501, 2021
Does feedback matter for job search self‐regulation? It depends on feedback quality
N Chawla, AS Gabriel, SP da Motta Veiga, JE Slaughter
Personnel Psychology, 2019
From# MeToo to# TimesUp: Identifying next steps in sexual harassment research in the organizational sciences
N Chawla, AS Gabriel, A O’Leary Kelly, CC Rosen
Journal of Management 47 (3), 551-566, 2021
A person‐centered view of impression management, inauthenticity, and employee behavior
N Chawla, AS Gabriel, CC Rosen, JB Evans, J Koopman, WA Hochwarter, ...
Personnel Psychology 74 (4), 657-691, 2021
Feedback Dynamics Are Critical to Improving Performance Management Systems
N Chawla, AS Gabriel, JJ Dahling, K Patel
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 9 (2), 260-266, 2016
If you can’t join ‘em, report ‘em: A model of ostracism and whistleblowing in teams
TM Spoelma, N Chawla, APJ Ellis
Journal of Business Ethics 173 (2), 345-363, 2021
From the unfolding process to self-regulation in job search: Integrating between-and within-person approaches
SP da Motta Veiga, DB Turban, AS Gabriel, N Chawla
Research in personnel and human resources management 36, 241-272, 2018
Building thriving workforces from the top down: A call and research agenda for organizations to proactively support employee well-being
AS Gabriel, DF Arena Jr, C Calderwood, JT Campbell, N Chawla, ...
Research in personnel and human resources management, 205-272, 2022
Risqué business? Interpersonal anxiety and humor in the# MeToo era.
JL Gloor, CD Cooper, L Bowes-Sperry, N Chawla
Journal of applied psychology 107 (6), 932, 2022
Feeling positive, negative, or both? examining the self-regulatory benefits of emotional ambivalence
AS Gabriel, MM Butts, N Chawla, SP da Motta Veiga, DB Turban, ...
Organization Science 33 (6), 2477-2495, 2022
Expanding the discourse surrounding sexual harassment: The case for considering experienced and observed hostile sexism, benevolent sexism, and gendered incivility
N Chawla, EM Wong, AS Gabriel
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 12 (1), 79-83, 2019
Challenging racism as a Black police officer: An emergent theory of employee anti-racism.
MK Prengler, N Chawla, A Leigh, KM Rogers
Journal of Applied Psychology 108 (2), 249, 2023
Does psychological detachment benefit job seekers? A two study weekly investigation.
RL MacGowan, AS Gabriel, SP da Motta Veiga, N Chawla
Journal of Applied Psychology 107 (12), 2319, 2022
Who speaks up when harassment is in the air? A within-person investigation of ambient harassment and voice behavior at work.
AS Gabriel, N Chawla, CC Rosen, YE Lee, J Koopman, EM Wong
Journal of applied psychology 109 (1), 39, 2024
From crude jokes to diminutive terms: Exploring experiences of hostile and benevolent sexism during job search
N Chawla, AS Gabriel
Personnel Psychology 77 (2), 747-787, 2024
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Articles 1–20