Joyee S Chatterjee
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Cited by
Narrative versus nonnarrative: The role of identification, transportation, and emotion in reducing health disparities
ST Murphy, LB Frank, JS Chatterjee, L Baezconde-Garbanati
Journal of Communication 63 (1), 116-137, 2013
Telling stories, saving lives: creating narrative health messages
LB Frank, ST Murphy, JS Chatterjee, MB Moran, L Baezconde-Garbanati
Health communication 30 (2), 154-163, 2015
Comparing the relative efficacy of narrative vs nonnarrative health messages in reducing health disparities using a randomized trial
ST Murphy, LB Frank, JS Chatterjee, MB Moran, N Zhao, ...
American journal of public health 105 (10), 2117-2123, 2015
Conversation and compliance: Role of interpersonal discussion and social norms in public communication campaigns
LB Frank, JS Chatterjee, ST Chaudhuri, C Lapsansky, A Bhanot, ...
Journal of health communication 17 (9), 1050-1067, 2012
Tamale Lesson: A case study of a narrative health communication intervention
LA Baezconde-Garbanati, JS Chatterjee, LB Frank, ST Murphy, MB Moran, ...
Journal of Communication in Healthcare 7 (2), 82-92, 2014
The importance of interpersonal discussion and self-efficacy in knowledge, attitude, and practice models
JS Chatterjee, A Bhanot, LB Frank, ST Murphy, G Power
International Journal of Communication 3, 28, 2009
A pilot test of the acceptability and efficacy of narrative and non-narrative health education materials in a low health literacy population
MB Moran, LB Frank, JS Chatterjee, ST Murphy, L Baezconde-Garbanati
Journal of communication in healthcare 9 (1), 40-48, 2016
Individual, cultural and structural predictors of vaccine safety confidence and influenza vaccination among Hispanic female subgroups
MB Moran, JS Chatterjee, LB Frank, ST Murphy, N Zhao, N Chen, ...
Journal of immigrant and minority health 19, 790-800, 2017
Information scanning and vaccine safety concerns among African American, Mexican American, and non-Hispanic White women
MB Moran, LB Frank, JS Chatterjee, ST Murphy, L Baezconde-Garbanati
Patient Education and Counseling 99 (1), 147-153, 2016
Masculinity matters: Using entertainment education to engage men in ending violence against women in India
C Lapsansky, JS Chatterjee
Critical Arts 27 (1), 36-55, 2013
Low demand mitigation options for achieving Sustainable Development Goals: Role of reduced food waste and sustainable dietary choice
S Some, J Roy, JS Chatterjee, MH Butt
Journal of Cleaner Production 369, 133432, 2022
Self-construal as a predictor of Korean American women’s intention to vaccinate daughters against human papillomavirus.
N Zhao, J Huh, ST Murphy, JS Chatterjee, L Baezconde-Garbanati
Asian American journal of psychology 5 (2), 96, 2014
“I did not know I was gay”: sexual identity development and fluidity among married tongzhi in China
C Song, H Xie, A Alizai, JS Chatterjee
Culture, Health & Sexuality 24 (12), 1681-1694, 2022
High with low: Harnessing the power of demand-side solutions for high wellbeing with low energy and material demand
M Sugiyama, C Wilson, D Wiedenhofer, B Boza-Kiss, T Cao, ...
Joule 8 (1), 1-6, 2024
Sex life and sexuality among tongqi: doing gender and heterosexuality
C Song, H Xie, Y Zhou, JS Chatterjee
Culture, Health & Sexuality 25 (2), 256-269, 2023
Governance and policy responses to anthropogenic and climate pressures on groundwater resources in the Greater Mekong Subregion urbanizing cities
SGPV PreeyapornMuenratch, Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen, Sangam Shrestha, Joyee S ...
Groundwater for Sustainable Development, 2022
Men in mixed-orientation marriages in contemporary China: Unpacking the role of heteronormativity and patriarchy
C Song, JS Chatterjee, DL Doane, P Doneys
Journal of Family Issues 44 (5), 1197-1214, 2023
Health disparities: A perspective on internal migration and health behavior in Sudan
MMA Fadlallah, I Pal, JS Chatterjee
Annals of global health 86 (1), 2020
Mexican-American mothers’ perceptions regarding vaccinating their daughters against HPV and recommended strategies to promote vaccine uptake
MB Moran, ST Murphy, JS Chatterjee, P Amezola-Herrera, ...
Women's Reproductive Health 1 (2), 106-119, 2014
Predictors of HPV knowledge and HPV vaccine awareness among women in Panama City, Panama
L Gantz, A Calvo, M Hess‐Holtz, F Gonzales, L Alguero, S Murphy, ...
World Medical & Health Policy 11 (1), 95-118, 2019
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Articles 1–20