Leo Van Biesen
Leo Van Biesen
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Cited by
Ultra-wideband channel model for communication around the human body
A Fort, J Ryckaert, C Desset, P De Doncker, P Wambacq, L Van Biesen
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 24 (4), 927-933, 2006
An ultra-wideband body area propagation channel model-from statistics to implementation
A Fort, C Desset, P De Doncker, P Wambacq, L Van Biesen
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 54 (4), 1820-1826, 2006
Fingerprinting localization in wireless networks based on received-signal-strength measurements: A case study on WiMAX networks
M Bshara, U Orguner, F Gustafsson, L Van Biesen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (1), 283-294, 2009
Characterization of the ultra wideband body area propagation channel
A Fort, C Desset, J Ryckaert, P De Doncker, L Van Biesen, P Wambacq
2005 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband, 6 pp., 2005
Ultra wide-band body area channel model
A Fort, C Desset, J Ryckaert, P De Doncker, L Van Biesen, S Donnay
IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2005. ICC 2005. 2005 4 …, 2005
Estimation of the transfer function of a subscriber loop by means of a one-port scattering parameter measurement at the central office
T Bostoen, P Boets, M Zekri, L Van Biesen, T Pollet, D Rabijns
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 20 (5), 936-948, 2002
Identification of transfer functions with time delay and its application to cable fault location
R Pintelon, L Van Biesen
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 39 (3), 479-484, 1990
Robust tracking in cellular networks using HMM filters and cell-ID measurements
M Bshara, U Orguner, F Gustafsson, L Van Biesen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (3), 1016-1024, 2011
Preprocessing of signals for single-ended subscriber line testing
P Boets, T Bostoen, L Van Biesen, T Pollet
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 55 (5), 1509-1518, 2006
Efficient hybrid optimization of fixed-point cascaded IIR filter coefficients
G Vanuytsel, P Boets, L Van Biesen, S Temmerman
IMTC/2002. Proceedings of the 19th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 2002
High accuracy location of faults on electrical lines using digital signal processing
LP Van Biesen, J Renneboog, ARF Barel
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 39 (1), 175-179, 2002
Exploiting the phantom-mode signal in DSL applications
W Foubert, C Neus, L Van Biesen, Y Rolain
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement 61 (4), 896-902, 2011
Identification of parametric models for ultrasonic wave propagation in the presence of absorption and dispersion
L Peirlinckx, R Pintelon, LP Van Biesen
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 40 …, 1993
On the identification of cables for metallic access networks
P Boets, M Zekri, L Van Biesen, T Bostoen, T Pollet
IMTC 2001. Proceedings of the 18th IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement …, 2001
Body area UWB RAKE receiver communication
A Fort, C Desset, P Wambacq, L Van Biesen
2006 IEEE International Conference on Communications 10, 4682-4687, 2006
The modelling aspect of transmission line networks
P Boets, LV Biesen
[1992] Conference Record IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 1992
Signal pre-processing for estimating attributes of a transmission line
T Bostoen, T Pollet, PJM Boets, LP Van Biesen
US Patent 6,909,978, 2005
Transfer function estimation of digital subscriber lines with single ended line testing
C Neus, P Boets, L Van Biesen
2007 IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Technology Conference IMTC 2007, 1-5, 2007
Metallic 2-wire parametric line models—A survey
P Boets, L Van Biesen
XVIII Imeko World Congress, 2006
A global system identification approach for the accurate parametric modeling of ultrasonic reflection and transmission experiments
L Peirlinckx, P Guillaume, R Pintelon, LP Van Biesen
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 43 …, 1996
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Articles 1–20