Lance Holbert, Ph.D.
Lance Holbert, Ph.D.
University of Pennsylvania
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" Connecting" and" disconnecting" with civic life: Patterns of Internet use and the production of social capital
D V. Shah, Nojin Kwak, R. Lance Holbert
Political communication 18 (2), 141-162, 2001
Fact-checking: A meta-analysis of what works and for whom
N Walter, J Cohen, RL Holbert, Y Morag
Political communication 37 (3), 350-375, 2020
Structural equation modeling in the communication sciences, 1995–2000
RL Holbert, MT Stephenson
Human Communication Research 28 (4), 531-551, 2002
A new era of minimal effects? A response to Bennett and Iyengar
RL Holbert, RK Garrett, LS Gleason
Journal of communication 60 (1), 15-34, 2010
Environmental concern, patterns of television viewing, and pro-environmental behaviors: Integrating models of media consumption and effects
RL Holbert, N Kwak, DV Shah
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 47 (2), 177-196, 2003
Understanding deliberation: The effects of discussion networks on participation in a public forum
JM McLeod, DA Scheufele, P Moy, EM Horowitz, RL Holbert, W Zhang, ...
Communication Research 26 (6), 743-774, 1999
Predicting dissemination of news content in social media: A focus on reception, friending, and partisanship
BE Weeks, RL Holbert
Journalism & mass communication quarterly 90 (2), 212-232, 2013
The importance of indirect effects in media effects research: Testing for mediation in structural equation modeling
RL Holbert, MT Stephenson
Journal of broadcasting & electronic media 47 (4), 556-572, 2003
A typology for the study of entertainment television and politics
RL Holbert
American Behavioral Scientist 49 (3), 436-453, 2005
A Monte Carlo simulation of observable versus latent variable structural equation modeling techniques
MT Stephenson, RL Holbert
Communication Research 30 (3), 332-354, 2003
Connecting, trusting, and participating: The direct and interactive effects of social associations
N Kwak, DV Shah, RL Holbert
Political Research Quarterly 57 (4), 643-652, 2004
The news and public opinion: Media effects on civic life
M McCombs, L Holbert, S Kiousis, W Wanta
The relationship between religiosity and Internet use
GG Armfield, RL Holbert
Journal of Media and Religion 2 (3), 129-144, 2003
Primacy effects of The Daily Show and national TV news viewing: Young viewers, political gratifications, and internal political self-efficacy
RL Holbert, JL Lambe, AD Dudo, KA Carlton
Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 51 (1), 20-38, 2007
The West Wing as Endorsement of the U.S. Presidency: Expanding the Bounds of Priming in Political Communication
RL Holbert, O Pillion, DA Tschida, GG Armfield, K Kinder, KL Cherry, ...
Journal of Communication 53 (3), 427-443, 2003
Adding nuance to the study of political humor effects: Experimental research on juvenalian satire versus horatian satire
RL Holbert, J Hmielowski, P Jain, J Lather, A Morey
American Behavioral Scientist 55 (3), 187-211, 2011
Fear, authority, and justice: Crime-related TV viewing and endorsements of capital punishment and gun ownership
RL Holbert, DV Shah, N Kwak
Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly 81 (2), 343-363, 2004
Television use and social capital: Testing Putnam's time displacement hypothesis
P Moy, DA Scheufele, RL Holbert
Mass Communication and Society 2 (1-2), 27-45, 1999
Predicting the Consumption of Political TV Satire: Affinity for Political Humor, The Daily Show, and The Colbert Report
JD Hmielowski, RL Holbert, J Lee
Communication monographs 78 (1), 96-114, 2011
Beyond learning and persona: Extending the scope of presidential debate effects
WL Benoit, MS McKinney, R Lance Holbert
Communication Monographs 68 (3), 259-273, 2001
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