Haim Gvirtzman
Haim Gvirtzman
Hebrew University, Institute of Earth Sciences
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Late Holocene climates of the Near East deduced from Dead Sea level variations and modern regional winter rainfall
Y Enzel, R Bookman, D Sharon, H Gvirtzman, U Dayan, B Ziv, M Stein
Quaternary Research 60 (3), 263-273, 2003
Pore scale spatial analysis of two immiscible fluids in porous media
H Gvirtzman, PV Roberts
Water resources research 27 (6), 1165-1176, 1991
The tectonic framework of a complex pull-apart basin: seismic reflection observations in the Sea of Galilee, Dead Sea transform
S Hurwitz, Z Garfunkel, Y Ben-Gai, M Reznikov, Y Rotstein, H Gvirtzman
Tectonophysics 359 (3-4), 289-306, 2002
Dispersion and advection in unsaturated porous media enhanced by anion exclusion
H Gvirtzman, SM Gorelick
Nature 352 (6338), 793-795, 1991
Effects of Karst and geological structure on groundwater flow: The case of Yarqon-Taninim Aquifer, Israel
E Dafny, A Burg, H Gvirtzman
Journal of Hydrology 389 (3-4), 260-275, 2010
Anion exclusion during transport through the unsaturated zone
H Gvirtzman, D Ronen, M Magaritz
Journal of Hydrology 87 (3-4), 267-283, 1986
Investigation of water movement in the unsaturated zone under an irrigated area using environmental tritium
H Gvirtzman, M Magaritz
Water Resources Research 22 (5), 635-642, 1986
Microscale chemical heterogeneity in groundwater
D Ronen, M Magaritz, H Gvirtzman, W Garner
Journal of Hydrology 92 (1-2), 173-178, 1987
Biased monitoring of fresh water‐salt water mixing zone in coastal aquifers
E Shalev, A Lazar, S Wollman, S Kington, Y Yechieli, H Gvirtzman
Groundwater 47 (1), 49-56, 2009
In-situ vapor stripping for removing volatile organic compounds from groundwater
SM Gorelick, H Gvirtzman
US Patent 5,389,267, 1995
Hydrogeological modeling of the saline hot springs at the Sea of Galilee, Israel
H Gvirtzman, G Garven, G Gvirtzman
Water Resources Research 33 (5), 913-926, 1997
Harnessing international law to determine Israeli-Palestinian water rights: The mountain aquifer
E Benvenisti, H Gvirtzman
Natural Resources Journal 33 (3), 543-567, 1993
Deduction of groundwater flow regime in a basaltic aquifer using geochemical and isotopic data: The Golan Heights, Israel case study
E Dafny, A Burg, H Gvirtzman
Journal of Hydrology 330 (3-4), 506-524, 2006
Tide-induced fluctuations of salinity and groundwater level in unconfined aquifers–Field measurements and numerical model
E Levanon, Y Yechieli, H Gvirtzman, E Shalev
Journal of Hydrology 551, 665-675, 2017
The concept of in-situ vapor stripping for removing VOCs from groundwater
H Gvirtzman, SM Gorelick
Transport in Porous Media 8, 71-92, 1992
Cross-formational rising groundwater at an artesian karstic basin: the Ayalon Saline Anomaly, Israel
A Frumkin, H Gvirtzman
Journal of Hydrology 318 (1-4), 316-333, 2006
In-situ vapor stripping for removing volatile organic compounds from groundwater
SM Gorelick, H Gvirtzman
US Patent 5,180,503, 1993
Basin-scale migration of continental-rift brines: Paleohydrologic modeling of the Dead Sea basin
E Stanislavsky, H Gvirtzman
Geology 27 (9), 791-794, 1999
Groundwater flow along and across structural folding: an example from the Judean Desert, Israel
LL Ben-Itzhak, H Gvirtzman
Journal of Hydrology 312 (1-4), 51-69, 2005
Large-scale infiltration experiments into unsaturated stratified loess sediments: monitoring and modeling
H Gvirtzman, E Shalev, O Dahan, YH Hatzor
Journal of Hydrology 349 (1-2), 214-229, 2008
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Articles 1–20