Daniel Gliksman
Daniel Gliksman
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Biotic degradation at night, abiotic degradation at day: positive feedbacks on litter decomposition in drylands
D Gliksman, A Rey, R Seligmann, R Dumbur, OR Sperling, Y Navon, ...
Global Change Biology 23 (4), 1564-1574, 2017
Dryland mechanisms could widely control ecosystem functioning in a drier and warmer world
JM Grünzweig, HJ De Boeck, A Rey, MJ Santos, O Adam, M Bahn, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 6 (8), 1064-1076, 2022
The extremely hot and dry 2018 summer in central and northern Europe from a multi-faceted weather and climate perspective
E Rousi, AH Fink, LS Andersen, FN Becker, G Beobide-Arsuaga, M Breil, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (5), 1699-1718, 2023
Litter decomposition in Mediterranean pine forests is enhanced by reduced canopy cover
D Gliksman, S Haenel, Y Osem, D Yakir, E Zangy, Y Preisler, ...
Plant and soil 422, 317-329, 2018
Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology
E Gould, HS Fraser, TH Parker, S Nakagawa, SC Griffith, PA Vesk, ...
EcoEvoRxiv, 2023
Biotic and abiotic modifications of leaf litter during dry periods affect litter mass loss and nitrogen loss during wet periods
D Gliksman, S Haenel, JM Grünzweig
Functional ecology 32 (3), 831-839, 2018
Higher rates of decomposition in standing vs. surface litter in a Mediterranean ecosystem during the dry and the wet seasons
D Gliksman, Y Navon, R Dumbur, S Haenel, JM Grünzweig
Plant and soil 428, 427-439, 2018
A European perspective on wind and storm damage–from the meteorological background to index-based approaches to assess impacts
D Gliksman, P Averbeck, N Becker, B Gardiner, V Goldberg, J Grieger, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23 (6), 2171-2201, 2023
Pines and their mixed Forest ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin
G Ne'eman, Y Osem
Springer International Publishing, 2021
Impacts and damages of the European multi-year drought and heat event 2018–2022 on forests, a review
F Knutzen, P Averbeck, C Barrasso, LM Bouwer, B Gardiner, ...
Egusphere 2023, 1-56, 2023
Intromission induces and insemination reduces female immune response in the Medfly
D Gliksman, B Yuval
Journal of insect behavior 23, 149-158, 2010
REAL-Fog part 2: A novel approach to calculate high resoluted spatio-temporal fog deposition: A daily fog deposition data set for entire Germany for 1949–2018
P Körner, R Kronenberg, D Gliksman, C Bernhofer
Journal of Hydrology 599, 126360, 2021
Compound events in Germany in 2018: drivers and case studies
E Xoplaki, F Ellsäßer, J Grieger, K Nissen, JG Pinto, M Augenstein, ...
Litter Decomposition in Mediterranean Pine Forests Subjected to Climate Change
JM Gruenzweig, D Gliksman
Pines and Their Mixed Forest Ecosystems in the Mediterranean Basin 38, 325-342, 2021
Evaluation of Long-Term Radar-Derived Precipitation for Water Balance Estimates: A Case Study for Multiple Catchments in Saxony, Germany
TT Luong, I Vorobevskii, J Pöschmann, R Kronenberg, D Gliksman, ...
Hydrology 9 (11), 204, 2022
Photodegradation at day, microbial decomposition at night-decomposition in arid lands
D Gliksman, J Gruenzweig
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 16, 2014
Dörthe Handorf 8, Karsten Haustein 9, Alexia Karwat 10, Florian Knutzen 9, Hilke S. Lentink 11, Rike Lorenz 4, Deborah Niermann 12, Joaquim G. Pinto 11, Ronald Queck, Astrid …
D Gliksman, P Averbeck, N Becker, B Gardiner, V Goldberg, J Grieger
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci 23, 2171-2201, 2023
Prediction of Storm Damage to Forests for Past and Future Storms
D Gliksman, B Gardiner, P Körner, F Pusch, TT Luong, C Bernhofer
Available at SSRN 4463253, 2023
Compound events in Germany: drivers and case studies
F Ellsäßer, E Xoplaki
EGU22, 2022
A comprehensive study of the extreme heat and drought of the 2018 European summer
E Rousi, A Fink, L Suarez-Gutierrez
EGU22, 2022
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Articles 1–20