Zhiao Shi
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Cited by
WebGestalt 2019: gene set analysis toolkit with revamped UIs and APIs
Y Liao, J Wang, EJ Jaehnig, Z Shi, B Zhang
Nucleic acids research 47 (W1), W199-W205, 2019
WEB-based gene set analysis toolkit (WebGestalt): update 2013
J Wang, D Duncan, Z Shi, B Zhang
Nucleic acids research 41 (W1), W77-W83, 2013
Proteogenomic characterization of human colon and rectal cancer
B Zhang, J Wang, X Wang, J Zhu, Q Liu, Z Shi, MC Chambers, ...
Nature 513 (7518), 382-387, 2014
WebGestalt 2017: a more comprehensive, powerful, flexible and interactive gene set enrichment analysis toolkit
J Wang, S Vasaikar, Z Shi, M Greer, B Zhang
Nucleic acids research 45 (W1), W130-W137, 2017
Integrated proteogenomic characterization of human high-grade serous ovarian cancer
H Zhang, T Liu, Z Zhang, SH Payne, B Zhang, JE McDermott, JY Zhou, ...
Cell 166 (3), 755-765, 2016
Proteogenomic analysis of human colon cancer reveals new therapeutic opportunities
S Vasaikar, C Huang, X Wang, VA Petyuk, SR Savage, B Wen, Y Dou, ...
Cell 177 (4), 1035-1049. e19, 2019
Proteogenomic characterization reveals therapeutic vulnerabilities in lung adenocarcinoma
MA Gillette, S Satpathy, S Cao, SM Dhanasekaran, SV Vasaikar, K Krug, ...
Cell 182 (1), 200-225. e35, 2020
Integrated proteogenomic characterization of clear cell renal cell carcinoma
DJ Clark, SM Dhanasekaran, F Petralia, J Pan, X Song, Y Hu, ...
Cell 179 (4), 964-983. e31, 2019
Proteogenomic and metabolomic characterization of human glioblastoma
LB Wang, A Karpova, MA Gritsenko, JE Kyle, S Cao, Y Li, D Rykunov, ...
Cancer cell 39 (4), 509-528. e20, 2021
Proteogenomic landscape of breast cancer tumorigenesis and targeted therapy
K Krug, EJ Jaehnig, S Satpathy, L Blumenberg, A Karpova, M Anurag, ...
Cell 183 (5), 1436-1456. e31, 2020
Proteogenomic characterization of endometrial carcinoma
Y Dou, EA Kawaler, DC Zhou, MA Gritsenko, C Huang, L Blumenberg, ...
Cell 180 (4), 729-748. e26, 2020
Proteogenomic characterization of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
L Cao, C Huang, DC Zhou, Y Hu, TM Lih, SR Savage, K Krug, DJ Clark, ...
Cell 184 (19), 5031-5052. e26, 2021
Proteogenomic insights into the biology and treatment of HPV-negative head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
C Huang, L Chen, SR Savage, RV Eguez, Y Dou, Y Li, ...
Cancer cell 39 (3), 361-379. e16, 2021
New grid scheduling and rescheduling methods in the GrADS project
F Berman, H Casanova, A Chien, K Cooper, H Dail, A Dasgupta, W Deng, ...
International Journal of Parallel Programming 33 (2), 209-229, 2005
Bi-objective scheduling algorithms for optimizing makespan and reliability on heterogeneous systems
JJ Dongarra, E Jeannot, E Saule, Z Shi
Proceedings of the nineteenth annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms …, 2007
New grid scheduling and rescheduling methods in the GrADS project
K Cooper, A Dasgupta, K Kennedy, C Koelbel, A Mandal, G Marin, ...
18th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2004 …, 2004
Deep learning in proteomics
B Wen, WF Zeng, Y Liao, Z Shi, SR Savage, W Jiang, B Zhang
Proteomics 20 (21-22), 1900335, 2020
Fast network centrality analysis using GPUs
Z Shi, B Zhang
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-7, 2011
GLAD4U: deriving and prioritizing gene lists from PubMed literature
J Jourquin, D Duncan, Z Shi, B Zhang
BMC genomics 13, 1-12, 2012
Scheduling workflow applications on processors with different capabilities
Z Shi, JJ Dongarra
Future generation computer systems 22 (6), 665-675, 2006
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Articles 1–20