isabel leal
isabel leal
ISPA- instituto Universitário, Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida
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Contribuição para o estudo da adaptação portuguesa das escalas de ansiedade, depressão e stress (EADS) de 21 itens de Lovibond e Lovibond
JLP Ribeiro, AAJD Honrado, IP Leal
Psicologia, saúde & doenças, 2229-239, 2004
Beyond the body image: a qualitative study on how adults experience lower limb amputation
H Senra, RA Oliveira, I Leal, C Vieira
Clinical rehabilitation 26 (2), 180-191, 2012
Posttraumatic growth in the aftermath of trauma: A literature review about related factors and application contexts
C Ramos, IP Leal
Psychology, Community & Health 2, 43-54, 2013
Masturbation among women: Associated factors and sexual response in a Portuguese community sample
A Carvalheira, I Leal
Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 39 (4), 347-367, 2013
Sobrecarga no cuidar e suas repercussões nos cuidadores de pacientes em fim de vida: revisão sistemática da literatura
M Delalibera, J Presa, A Barbosa, I Leal
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 20, 2731-2747, 2015
Estratégias de coping em estudantes do Ensino Superior
ES Costa, IP Leal
Análise Psicológica 24 (2), 189-199, 2006
Women’s motivations for sex: Exploring the diagnostic and statistical manual, text revision criteria for hypoactive sexual desire and female sexual arousal disorders
AA Carvalheira, LA Brotto, I Leal
The journal of sexual medicine 7 (4_Part_1), 1454-1463, 2010
Psychologic adjustment to irreversible vision loss in adults: a systematic review
H Senra, F Barbosa, P Ferreira, CR Vieira, PB Perrin, H Rogers, D Rivera, ...
Ophthalmology 122 (4), 851-861, 2015
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents and associated factors.
T Gaspar, MG Matos, R Pais, L Jose, I Leal, A Ferreira
Journal of Cognitive & Behavioral Psychotherapies 9 (1), 2009
Qualidade de vida e bem-estar em crianças e adolescentes
T Gaspar, MG Matos, JLP Ribeiro, I Leal
Revista brasileira de terapias cognitivas 2 (2), 47-60, 2006
Facilitators and barriers of implementing enhanced recovery in colorectal surgery at a safety net hospital: a provider and patient perspective
ZM Alawadi, I Leal, UR Phatak, JR Flores-Gonzalez, JL Holihan, ...
Surgery 159 (3), 700-712, 2016
Internalized homonegativity, disclosure, and acceptance of sexual orientation in a sample of Portuguese gay and bisexual men, and lesbian and bisexual women
PA Costa, H Pereira, I Leal
Journal of Bisexuality 13 (2), 229-244, 2013
Are the fathers alright? A systematic and critical review of studies on gay and bisexual fatherhood
FA Carneiro, F Tasker, F Salinas-Quiroz, I Leal, PA Costa
Frontiers in Psychology 8, 1636, 2017
Posttraumatic growth (PTG) and posttraumatic depreciation (PTD) across ten countries: Global validation of the PTG-PTD theoretical model
K Taku, RG Tedeschi, J Shakespeare-Finch, D Krosch, G David, D Kehl, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 169, 110222, 2021
Smart technology and the meaning in life of older adults during the Covid-19 public health emergency period: a cross-cultural qualitative study
S von Humboldt, NM Mendoza-Ruvalcaba, ED Arias-Merino, A Costa, ...
International Review of Psychiatry 32 (7-8), 713-722, 2020
Iniciação às psicoterapias
I Leal
Fim de Século, 2005
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: subjective well being
T Gaspar, JP Ribeiro, MG de Matos, I Leal, A Ferreira
The Spanish journal of psychology 15 (1), 177-186, 2012
A entrevista psicológica: técnica, teoria e clínica
I Leal
Fim de Século, 2008
Um olhar sobre a saúde psicológica dos estudantes do ensino superior–avaliar para intervir
E Costa, I Leal
Actas do 7º congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde 1, 213-216, 2008
The effectiveness of a group intervention to facilitate posttraumatic growth among women with breast cancer
C Ramos, PA Costa, T Rudnicki, AL Marôco, I Leal, R Guimarães, ...
Psycho‐oncology 27 (1), 258-264, 2018
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Articles 1–20