Karl Worthmann
Cited by
Cited by
Distributed and decentralized control of residential energy systems incorporating battery storage
K Worthmann, CM Kellett, P Braun, L Grüne, SR Weller
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 6 (4), 1914-1923, 2015
Analysis of unconstrained nonlinear MPC schemes with time varying control horizon
L Grüne, J Pannek, M Seehafer, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 48 (8), 4938-4962, 2010
Stability and feasibility of state constrained MPC without stabilizing terminal constraints
A Boccia, L Grüne, K Worthmann
Systems & control letters 72, 14-21, 2014
An exponential turnpike theorem for dissipative discrete time optimal control problems
T Damm, L Grüne, M Stieler, K Worthmann
SIAM J. Control Optim., 52 (3), 1935-1957, 2014
Model Predictive Control of Nonholonomic Mobile Robots without Stabilizing Constraints and Costs
K Worthmann, MW Mehrez, M Zanon, GKI Mann, RG Gosine, M Diehl
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (4), 1394-1406, 2016
A Distributed Optimization Algorithm for the Predictive Control of Smart Grids
P Braun, L Grüne, C Kellett, S Weller, K Worthmann
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (12), 3898-3911, 2016
A negotiation-based algorithm to coordinate supplier development in decentralized supply chains
M Proch, K Worthmann, J Schlüchtermann
European Journal of Operational Research 256 (2), 412-429, 2017
Finite-data Error Bounds for Koopman-Based Prediction and Control
F Nüske, S Peitz, F Philipp, M Schaller, K Worthmann
Journal of Nonlinear Science 33, 14, 2023
Hierarchical distributed ADMM for predictive control with applications in power networks
P Braun, T Faulwasser, L Grüne, CM Kellett, SR Weller, K Worthmann
IFAC Journal of Systems and Control 3, 10-22, 2018
Quadratic costs do not always work in MPC
MA Müller, K Worthmann
Automatica, 2017
A networked unconstrained nonlinear MPC scheme
L Grüne, J Pannek, K Worthmann
Proceedings of the European Control Conference (ECC) 2009, Budapest, Hungary …, 2009
A prediction based control scheme for networked systems with delays and packet dropouts
L Grüne, J Pannek, K Worthmann
Proceedings of the 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control held jointly …, 2009
Continuous-time controller redesign for digital implementation: a trajectory based approach
L Grüne, K Worthmann, D Nešić
Automatica 44 (1), 225-232, 2008
Model predictive control, cost controllability, and homogeneity
JM Coron, L Grüne, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 58 (5), 2979-2996, 2020
Model predictive control without terminal constraints or costs for holonomic mobile robots
MW Mehrez, K Worthmann, JPV Cenerini, M Osman, WW Melek, S Jeon
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 127, 103468, 2020
The role of sampling for stability and performance in unconstrained nonlinear model predictive control
K Worthmann, M Reble, L Grüne, F Allgöwer
SIAM J. Control Optim. 52 (1), 581–605, 2014
Behavioral theory for stochastic systems? A data-driven journey from Willems to Wiener and back again
T Faulwasser, R Ou, G Pan, P Schmitz, K Worthmann
Annual Reviews in Control 55, 92-117, 2023
Willems’ fundamental lemma for linear descriptor systems and its use for data-driven output-feedback MPC
P Schmitz, T Faulwasser, K Worthmann
IEEE Control Systems Letters 6, 2443-2448, 2022
Stability analysis of unconstrained receding horizon control schemes
K Worthmann
PhD thesis, University of Bayreuth, Germany, 2011
How to coordinate vaccination and social distancing to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks
SM Grundel, S Heyder, T Hotz, TKS Ritschel, P Sauerteig, K Worthmann
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 20 (2), 1135-1157, 2021
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Articles 1–20