Philippe Wenk
Philippe Wenk
ETH Zürich, MPI Tübingen
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Cited by
Fast Gaussian process based gradient matching for parameter identification in systems of nonlinear ODEs
P Wenk, A Gotovos, S Bauer, NS Gorbach, A Krause, JM Buhmann
The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics …, 2019
Odin: Ode-informed regression for parameter and state inference in time-continuous dynamical systems
P Wenk, G Abbati, MA Osborne, B Schölkopf, A Krause, S Bauer
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 34 (04), 6364-6371, 2020
Learning stable deep dynamics models for partially observed or delayed dynamical systems
A Schlaginhaufen, P Wenk, A Krause, F Dorfler
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 11870-11882, 2021
Ares and mars adversarial and mmd-minimizing regression for sdes
G Abbati, P Wenk, MA Osborne, A Krause, B Schölkopf, S Bauer
International Conference on Machine Learning, 1-10, 2019
Adaptive gaussian process change point detection
E Caldarelli, P Wenk, S Bauer, A Krause
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2542-2571, 2022
A real-robot dataset for assessing transferability of learned dynamics models
D Agudelo-Espana, A Zadaianchuk, P Wenk, A Garg, J Akpo, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 8151-8157, 2020
Sleipnir: Deterministic and provably accurate feature expansion for gaussian process regression with derivatives
E Angelis, P Wenk, B Schölkopf, S Bauer, A Krause
arXiv preprint arXiv:2003.02658, 2020
Distributional gradient matching for learning uncertain neural dynamics models
L Treven, P Wenk, F Dorfler, A Krause
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34, 29780-29793, 2021
Learning time-continuous dynamics models with Gaussian-process-based gradient matching
P Wenk
ETH Zürich Zürich, 2022
Stabilizing Flight
S Gyger, A Steger, P Wenk
Deep Dynamics Learning For Thermoacoustics
P Wenk
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Articles 1–11