Rosa I. Merino
Rosa I. Merino
Research Scientist, Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón (Univ. Zaragoza - CSIC)
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Intrinsic electron and hole defects in stabilized zirconia single crystals
VM Orera, RI Merino, Y Chen, R Cases, PJ Alonso
Physical review B 42 (16), 9782, 1990
ZrO2–Al2O3 eutectic plates produced by laser zone melting
A Larrea, GF De la Fuente, RI Merino, VM Orera
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22 (2), 191-198, 2002
Mechanical properties of directionally solidified Al2O3–ZrO2 (Y2O3) eutectics
JY Pastor, P Poza, J Llorca, JI Pena, RI Merino, VM Orera
Materials Science and Engineering: A 308 (1-2), 241-249, 2001
Microstructure of Y2O3 doped Al2O3–ZrO2 eutectics grown by the laser floating zone method
JI Pena, RI Merino, NR Harlan, A Larrea, GF De La Fuente, VM Orera
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 22 (14-15), 2595-2602, 2002
Raman spectroscopic study of cation disorder in poly-and single crystals of the nickel aluminate spinel
MA Laguna-Bercero, ML Sanjuán, RI Merino
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (18), 186217, 2007
Microstructure and mechanical properties of Al2O3–YSZ and Al2O3–YAG directionally solidified eutectic plates
A Larrea, VM Orera, RI Merino, JI Pena
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (8), 1419-1429, 2005
Processing, microstructure and mechanical properties of directionally-solidified Al2O3–Y3Al5O12–ZrO2 ternary eutectics
JI Peña, M Larsson, RI Merino, I De Francisco, VM Orera, J LLorca, ...
Journal of the European ceramic society 26 (15), 3113-3121, 2006
Fabrication, electrochemical characterization and thermal cycling of anode supported microtubular solid oxide fuel cells
R Campana, RI Merino, A Larrea, I Villarreal, VM Orera
Journal of Power Sources 192 (1), 120-125, 2009
Microstructure and physical properties of some oxide eutectic composites processed by directional solidification
VM Orera, RI Merino, JA Pardo, A Larrea, JI Peña, C Gonzalez, P Poza, ...
Acta materialia 48 (18-19), 4683-4689, 2000
Piezospectroscopic Study of Residual Stresses in Al2O3–ZrO2 Directionally Solidified Eutectics
JA Pardo, RI Merino, VM Orera, JI Peña, C González, JY Pastor, J LLorca
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 83 (11), 2745-2752, 2000
Micropillar compression of LiF [1 1 1] single crystals: effect of size, ion irradiation and misorientation
R Soler, JM Molina-Aldareguia, J Segurado, J Llorca, RI Merino, ...
International journal of plasticity 36, 50-63, 2012
Mechanical properties of melt-grown Al2O3–ZrO2 (Y2O3) eutectics with different microstructure
JY Pastor, J Llorca, P Poza, I De Francisco, RI Merino, JI Pena
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 25 (8), 1215-1223, 2005
Phase Distribution and Residual Stresses in Melt‐Grown Al2O3‐ZrO2(Y2O3) Eutectics
NR Harlan, RI Merino, JI Pena, A Larrea, VM Orera, C González, P Poza, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 85 (8), 2025-2032, 2002
Unprecedented Pt−Pt Bonded Trimer {[Pt2Cu4(C⋮CPh)8]}3 Showing Unusual Near-Infrared Luminescence
JPH Charmant, J Forniés, J Gómez, E Lalinde, RI Merino, MT Moreno, ...
Organometallics 18 (17), 3353-3358, 1999
A Polymeric Platinum (II)− Thallium (I) Complex Stabilized by Alkynyl− Thallium and Platinum− Thallium Bonding Interactions
I Ara, JR Berenguer, J Forniés, J Gómez, E Lalinde, RI Merino
Inorganic Chemistry 36 (27), 6461-6464, 1997
Ce3+↔ Ce4+ conversion in ceria-doped zirconia single crystals induced by oxido-reduction treatments
VM Orera, RI Merino, F Pena
Solid State Ionics 72, 224-231, 1994
Synthesis of Heteronuclear Pt− Tl Complexes with Donor− Acceptor Bonds. X-ray Structures of cis-[Tl (μ2-OOCCH3) Pt (PPh3)(C6F5) 2] and (NBu4) 2 [{Pt (C6F5) 3} 2 {(μ2-O, μ3-O …
R Usón, J Forniés, M Tomás, R Garde, RI Merino
Inorganic chemistry 36 (7), 1383-1387, 1997
Synthesis and Electrical and Optical Properties of [PtTl2-x Li x (C6F5) 2 (C⋮ CPh) 2](x= 0, 1)
JPH Charmant, J Forniés, J Gómez, E Lalinde, RI Merino, MT Moreno, ...
Organometallics 22 (4), 652-656, 2003
Raman and X-ray study of perovskite solid solutions
ML Sanjuan, VM Orera, RI Merino, J Blasco
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 10 (50), 11687, 1998
Aligned ZrO2(c)‐CaZrO3 eutectics grown by the laser floating zone method: Electrical and optical properties
JI Peña, RI Merino, GF de la Fuente, VM Orera
Advanced Materials 8 (11), 909-912, 1996
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