Gal Lavee
Gal Lavee
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Understanding video events: A survey of methods for automatic interpretation of semantic occurrences in video
G Lavee, E Rivlin, M Rudzsky
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and …, 2009
A framework for a video analysis tool for suspicious event detection
G Lavee, L Khan, B Thuraisingham
Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Multimedia data mining …, 2005
Improving ECG classification using generative adversarial networks
T Golany, G Lavee, ST Yarden, K Radinsky
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence 34 (08), 13280 …, 2020
Workout Pattern Detection
H Bitran, E Axelrod, G Lavee
US Patent App. 15/007,938, 2017
Personal assistant authentication
G Lavee, R Ronen, R Yaari
US Patent App. 14/637,526, 2016
Building petri nets from video event ontologies
G Lavee, A Borzin, E Rivlin, M Rudzsky
Advances in Visual Computing: Third International Symposium, ISVC 2007, Lake …, 2007
Access control, confidentiality and privacy for video surveillance databases
B Thuraisingham, G Lavee, E Bertino, J Fan, L Khan
Proceedings of the eleventh ACM symposium on Access control models and …, 2006
Video event modeling and recognition in generalized stochastic petri nets
G Lavee, M Rudzsky, E Rivlin, A Borzin
IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology 20 (1), 102-118, 2009
Groove radio: A bayesian hierarchical model for personalized playlist generation
S Ben-Elazar, G Lavee, N Koenigstein, O Barkan, H Berezin, U Paquet, ...
Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data …, 2017
Recommendations meet web browsing: enhancing collaborative filtering using internet browsing logs
R Ronen, E Yom-Tov, G Lavee
2016 IEEE 32nd International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 1230-1238, 2016
Propagating certainty in petri nets for activity recognition
G Lavee, M Rudzsky, E Rivlin
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 23 (2), 326-337, 2012
Identifying similar applications
R Ronen, G Lavee
US Patent 9,569,536, 2017
When actions speak louder than clicks: A combined model of purchase probability and long-term customer satisfaction
G Lavee, N Koenigstein, O Barkan
Proceedings of the 13th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, 287-295, 2019
Topical affinity badges in information retrieval
R Karidi, G Lavee, A Oron
US Patent 8,856,109, 2014
Cross-cultural transfer learning for text classification
D Ringel, G Lavee, I Guy, K Radinsky
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2019
Service content tailored to out of routine events
G Lavee, D Dotan-Cohen, O Vainas, H Bitran, L Lahiani, I Priness, ...
US Patent 10,320,913, 2019
Inverted index compression via online document routing
G Lavee, R Lempel, E Liberty, O Somekh
Proceedings of the 20th international conference on World wide web, 487-496, 2011
Propagating uncertainty in petri nets for activity recognition
G Lavee, M Rudzsky, E Rivlin
Advances in Visual Computing: 6th International Symposium, ISVC 2010, Las …, 2010
Semantic Location Layer For User-Related Activity
D Dotan-Cohen, I Priness, I Cohn, H Somech, G Lavee
US Patent App. 14/923,573, 2017
Hierarchical multisource playlist generation
N Koenigstein, N Nice, SB Elazar, Y Berezin, O Barkan, T Zaccai, ...
US Patent 10,242,098, 2019
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Articles 1–20