Devin Kearns
Cited by
Cited by
Why children with dyslexia struggle with writing and how to help them
M Hebert, DM Kearns, JB Hayes, P Bazis, S Cooper
Language, speech, and hearing services in schools 49 (4), 843-863, 2018
Does cognitively focused instruction improve the academic performance of low-achieving students?
DM Kearns, D Fuchs
Exceptional Children 79 (3), 263-290, 2013
Lost in translation? Challenges in connecting reading science and educational practice
MS Seidenberg, M Cooper Borkenhagen, DM Kearns
Reading Research Quarterly 55, S119-S130, 2020
Reading comprehension and co-teaching practices in middle school English language arts classrooms
J Wexler, DM Kearns, CJ Lemons, M Mitchell, E Clancy, KA Davidson, ...
Exceptional Children 84 (4), 384-402, 2018
The neurobiology of dyslexia
DM Kearns, R Hancock, F Hoeft, KR Pugh, SJ Frost
Teaching Exceptional Children 51 (3), 175-188, 2019
Envisioning an improved continuum of special education services for students with learning disabilities: Considering intervention intensity
CJ Lemons, S Vaughn, J Wexler, DM Kearns, AC Sinclair
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice 33 (3), 131-143, 2018
A longitudinal analysis of the trajectories and predictors of word reading and reading comprehension development among at-risk readers
P Peng, D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, AM Elleman, DM Kearns, JK Gilbert, ...
Journal of learning disabilities 52 (3), 195-208, 2019
Multisyllabic word reading as a moderator of morphological awareness and reading comprehension
JK Gilbert, AP Goodwin, DL Compton, DM Kearns
Journal of learning disabilities 47 (1), 34-43, 2014
Syntactic complexity measures: variation by genre, grade-level, students’ writing abilities, and writing quality
T Jagaiah, NG Olinghouse, DM Kearns
Reading and Writing 33, 2577-2638, 2020
Data-based individualization in reading: Intensifying interventions for students with significant reading disabilities
CJ Lemons, DM Kearns, KA Davidson
Teaching Exceptional Children 46 (4), 20-29, 2014
Behavioral attention: A longitudinal study of whether and how it influences the development of word reading and reading comprehension among at-risk readers
AC Miller, D Fuchs, LS Fuchs, D Compton, D Kearns, W Zhang, L Yen, ...
Journal of research on educational effectiveness 7 (3), 232-249, 2014
Multisyllabic word-reading instruction with and without motivational beliefs training for struggling readers in the upper elementary grades: A pilot investigation
JR Toste, P Capin, S Vaughn, GJ Roberts, DM Kearns
the elementary school journal 117 (4), 593-615, 2017
Probing lexical representations: Simultaneous modeling of word and reader contributions to multidimensional lexical representations.
AP Goodwin, JK Gilbert, SJ Cho, DM Kearns
Journal of Educational Psychology 106 (2), 448, 2014
Orthographic, Phonological, and Morphological Skills and Children's Word Reading in Arabic: A Literature Review
R Al Ghanem, DM Kearns
Reading Research Quarterly 50 (1), 83-109, 2015
How elementary-age children read polysyllabic polymorphemic words.
DM Kearns
Journal of Educational Psychology 107 (2), 364, 2015
Coteaching in content area classrooms: Lessons and guiding questions for administrators
AC Sinclair, LE Bray, Y Wei, EE Clancy, J Wexler, DM Kearns, CJ Lemons
NASSP Bulletin 102 (4), 303-322, 2018
Modeling polymorphemic word recognition: Exploring differences among children with early-emerging and late-emerging word reading difficulty
DM Kearns, LM Steacy, DL Compton, JK Gilbert, AP Goodwin, E Cho, ...
Journal of learning disabilities 49 (4), 368-394, 2016
Word and person effects on decoding accuracy: A new look at an old question.
JK Gilbert, DL Compton, DM Kearns
Journal of Educational Psychology 103 (2), 489, 2011
Semantic and phonological ability to adjust recoding: A unique correlate of word reading skill?
DM Kearns, HJ Rogers, T Koriakin, R Al Ghanem
Scientific Studies of Reading 20 (6), 455-470, 2016
The role of semantic information in children’s word reading: Does meaning affect readers’ ability to say polysyllabic words aloud?
DM Kearns, R Al Ghanem
Journal of Educational Psychology 111 (6), 933, 2019
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Articles 1–20