Artemii Goshkoderia
Artemii Goshkoderia
PhD student, Israel Institute of Technology (Technion)
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Cited by
Stability of magnetoactive composites with periodic microstructures undergoing finite strains in the presence of a magnetic field
A Goshkoderia, S Rudykh
Composites Part B: Engineering 128, 19-29, 2017
Instability-induced pattern formations in soft magnetoactive composites
A Goshkoderia, V Chen, J Li, A Juhl, P Buskohl, S Rudykh
Physical Review Letters 124 (15), 158002, 2020
Electromechanical macroscopic instabilities in soft dielectric elastomer composites with periodic microstructures
A Goshkoderia, S Rudykh
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 65, 243-256, 2017
Domain formations and pattern transitions via instabilities in soft heterogeneous materials
J Li, TD Pallicity, V Slesarenko, A Goshkoderia, S Rudykh
Advanced Materials 31 (14), 1807309, 2019
Tunable permittivity in dielectric elastomer composites under finite strains: Periodicity, randomness, and instabilities.
A Goshkoderia, N Arora, V Slesarenko, J Li, V Chen, A Juhl, P Buskohl, ...
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 186, 105880, 2020
Mechanical instability tuning of a magnetorheological elastomer composite laminate
VW Chen, N Arora, A Goshkoderia, CL Willey, Z Turgut, PR Buskohl, ...
Composites Part B: Engineering 251, 110472, 2023
Long-wave magnetomechanical instabilities in fiber-reinforced magnetoactive composites
A Goshkoderia, S Rudykh
59th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, IACAS 2019, 1129-1152, 2019
Stability of magnetorheological elastomers with periodically distributed magnetizable particles
A Goshkoderia, S Rudykh
Magnetomechanical macroscopic instabilities in magnetorheological elastomer composites with periodic microstructures
A Goshkoderia, S Rudykh
European Mechanics of Material Conference, 226, 0
Onset of Macroscopic Instability in Dielectric Elastomer Composites with particulate microstructures
S Rudykh, A Goshkoderia
European Mechanics of Material Conference, 234, 0
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Articles 1–10