Hesameddin Safari
Cited by
Cited by
Extended lattice Boltzmann method for numerical simulation of thermal phase change in two-phase fluid flow
H Safari, MH Rahimian, M Krafczyk
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (1 …, 2013
Consistent simulation of droplet evaporation based on the phase-field multiphase lattice Boltzmann method
H Safari, MH Rahimian, M Krafczyk
Physical Review E 90 (3), 033305, 2014
Potentials of NOX emission reduction methods in SI hydrogen engines: Simulation study
H Safari, SA Jazayeri, R Ebrahimi
International journal of hydrogen energy 34 (2), 1015-1025, 2009
Hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference model for low Mach number combustion simulation
SA Hosseini, H Safari, N Darabiha, D Thévenin, M Krafczyk
Combustion and Flame 209, 394-404, 2019
Large Eddy Simulation of liquid sheet breakup using a two-phase lattice Boltzmann method
H Amirshaghaghi, MH Rahimian, H Safari, M Krafczyk
Computers & Fluids 160, 93-107, 2018
Interaction of a pair of in-line bubbles ascending in an Oldroyd-B liquid: A numerical study
M Vahabi, H Hadavandmirzaei, B Kamkari, H Safari
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 85, 413-429, 2021
Lattice Boltzmann solver for multiphase flows: Application to high Weber and Reynolds numbers
SA Hosseini, H Safari, D Thevenin
Entropy 23 (2), 166, 2021
WITHDRAWN: A Lattice Boltzmann model for thermal compressible flows at low Mach numbers beyond the Boussinesq approximation
H Safari, M Krafczyk, M Geier
Computers & Fluids, 2018
Application of a two phase lattice Boltzmann model in simulation of free surface jet impingement heat transfer
H Amirshaghaghi, MH Rahimian, H Safari
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 75, 282-294, 2016
An investigation on injection characteristics of direct-injected heavy duty diesel engine by means of multi-zone spray modeling
GJ Rad, M Gorjiinst, M Keshavarz, H Safari, SA Jazayeri
Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies nouvelles 65 (6), 893-901, 2010
Numerical study of convective heat transfer in static arrangements of particles with arbitrary shapes: A monolithic hybrid lattice Boltzmann-finite difference-phase field solver
R Namdar, M Khodsiani, H Safari, T Neeraj, SA Hosseini, F Beyrau, ...
Particuology 85, 186-197, 2024
Numerical simulation of pressure-driven phase-change in two-phase fluid flows using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
H Yazdi, MH Rahimiani, H Safari
Computers & Fluids 172, 8-18, 2018
A refined analytical combustion model for evaluating the effects of EGR percentage on improvement of knock characteristics of natural gas in spark ignition engine
M Ghanbari, H Safari, SA Jazayeri, R Ebrahimi
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition 48647, 45-54, 2008
Knock Prediction in Industrial Dual Fuel Engines Using a Two-Zone Combustion Model With Consideration of Chemical Kinetics
A Al-Sened, H Safari, M Keshavarz, G Javadirad
Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference 48132, 215-223, 2008
In press
H Safari, M Krafczyk, M Geier
A Lattice Boltzmann model for thermal compressible flows at low Mach numbers …, 0
A lattice Boltzmann model for computing compressible two-phase flows with high density ratio
H Yazdi, MH Rahimian, H Safari
SN Applied Sciences 2, 1-14, 2020
Physics-Informed Surrogates for Temperature Prediction of Multi-Tracks in Laser Powder Bed Fusion
H Safari, H Wessels
arXiv preprint arXiv:2502.01820, 2025
Corrigendum to" Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann-Finite Difference model for low Mach number combustion simulation"[Combustion and Flame 209 (2019) 394-404]
SA Hosseini, H Safari, N Darabiha, D Thévenin, M Krafczyk
Combustion and Flame 219, 44-44, 2020
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