Stein-Erik Lauritzen
Stein-Erik Lauritzen
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A 100,000-year-old ochre-processing workshop at Blombos Cave, South Africa
CS Henshilwood, F d’Errico, KL Van Niekerk, Y Coquinot, Z Jacobs, ...
science 334 (6053), 219-222, 2011
Tropical climates at the Last Glacial Maximum: a new synthesis of terrestrial palaeoclimate data. I. Vegetation, lake-levels and geochemistry
I Farrera, SP Harrison, IC Prentice, G Ramstein, J Guiot, PJ Bartlein, ...
Climate dynamics 15, 823-856, 1999
A 3000-year high-resolution stalagmitebased record of palaeoclimate for northeastern South Africa
K Holmgren, W Karlén, SE Lauritzen, JA Lee-Thorp, TC Partridge, ...
The Holocene 9 (3), 295-309, 1999
Abrupt glacial valley incision at 0.8 Ma dated from cave deposits in Switzerland
P Haeuselmann, DE Granger, PY Jeannin, SE Lauritzen
Geology 35 (2), 143-146, 2007
Calibration of the speleothem delta function: an absolute temperature record for the Holocene in northern Norway
SE Lauritzen, J Lundberg
The Holocene 9 (6), 659-669, 1999
Uranium series dates from Qesem Cave, Israel, and the end of the Lower Palaeolithic
R Barkai, A Gopher, SE Lauritzen, A Frumkin
Nature 423 (6943), 977-979, 2003
Rapid climate shifts in the southern African interior throughout the mid to late Holocene
JA Lee‐Thorp, K Holmgren, SE Lauritzen, H Linge, A Moberg, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 28 (23), 4507-4510, 2001
High-resolution paleotemperature proxy record for the last interglaciation based on Norwegian speleothems
SE Lauritzen
Quaternary Research 43 (2), 133-146, 1995
Holocene and Late Pleistocene climate in the sub-Mediterranean continental environment: A speleothem record from Poleva Cave (Southern Carpathians, Romania)
S Constantin, AV Bojar, SE Lauritzen, J Lundberg
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 243 (3-4), 322-338, 2007
Late-Quaternary biogeographic scenarios for the brown bear (Ursus arctos), a wild mammal model species
J Davison, SYW Ho, SC Bray, M Korsten, E Tammeleht, M Hindrikson, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (3-4), 418-430, 2011
Cave stratigraphy in western Norway; multiple Weichselian glaciations and interstadial vertebrate fauna
E Larsen, S Gulliksen, SE LAURITZEN, R Lie, R Løvlie, J Mangerud
Boreas 16 (3), 267-292, 1987
Speleothems and climate: a special issue of The Holocene
SE Lauritzen, J Lundberg
The Holocene 9 (6), 643-647, 1999
Solutional and erosional morphology
SE Lauritzen, J Lundberg
Speleogenesis: Evolution of Karst Aquifers, National Speleological Society …, 2000
Isotopic climate record in a Holocene stalagmite from Ursilor Cave (Romania)
BP Onac, S Constantin, J Lundberg, SE Lauritzen
Journal of Quaternary Science: Published for the Quaternary Research …, 2002
Two-step deglaciation at the oxygen isotope stage 6/5e transition: the Zeifen-Kattegat climate oscillation
MS Seidenkrantz, L Bornmalm, SJ Johnsen, KL Knudsen, A Kuijpers, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 15 (1), 63-75, 1996
230Th234U and 14C dating of a late Pleistocene stalagmite in Lobatse II Cave, Botswana
K Holmgren, SE Lauritzen, G Possnert
Quaternary Science Reviews 13 (2), 111-119, 1994
Stable isotope stratigraphy of Holocene speleothems: examples from a cave system in Rana, northern Norway
H Linge, SE Lauritzen, J Lundberg, IM Berstad
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 167 (3-4), 209-224, 2001
Paleoclimate deduced from a multidisciplinary study of a half-million-year-old stalagmite from Rana, Northern Norway
SE Lauritzen, R Løvlie, D Moe, E Østbye
Quaternary Research 34 (3), 306-316, 1990
Holocene Climate Variability in the Northern North Atlantic Region: A Review of Terrestrial and Marine Evidence•
GM Series
Hudson Bay-Hudson Strait jökulhlaups and Heinrich events: a hypothesis
RG Johnson, SE Lauritzen
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 117 (1-2), 123-137, 1995
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Articles 1–20