Malia F. Mason
Malia F. Mason
Professor, Columbia Business School, Columbia University
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Wandering minds: the default network and stimulus-independent thought
MF Mason, MI Norton, JD Van Horn, DM Wegner, ST Grafton, CN Macrae
science 315 (5810), 393-395, 2007
The look of love: Gaze shifts and person perception
MF Mason, EP Tatkow, CN Macrae
Psychological science 16 (3), 236-239, 2005
Are you looking at me? Eye gaze and person perception
CN Macrae, BM Hood, AB Milne, AC Rowe, MF Mason
Psychological science 13 (5), 460-464, 2002
The units of thought
M Bar, E Aminoff, M Mason, M Fenske
Hippocampus 17 (6), 420-428, 2007
Look into my eyes: Gaze direction and person memory
M Mason, B Hood, CN Macrae
Memory 12 (5), 637-643, 2004
The perceptual determinants of person construal: reopening the social-cognitive toolbox.
J Cloutier, MF Mason, CN Macrae
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (6), 885, 2005
“Switching On” creativity: Task switching can increase creativity by reducing cognitive fixation
JG Lu, M Akinola, MF Mason
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 139, 63-75, 2017
How daydreaming relates to life satisfaction, loneliness, and social support: The importance of gender and daydream content
RA Mar, MF Mason, A Litvack
Consciousness and cognition 21 (1), 401-407, 2012
The experience of secrecy.
ML Slepian, JS Chun, MF Mason
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 113 (1), 1, 2017
Precise offers are potent anchors: Conciliatory counteroffers and attributions of knowledge in negotiations
MF Mason, AJ Lee, EA Wiley, DR Ames
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (4), 759-763, 2013
Decision making and testosterone: When the ends justify the means
DR Carney, MF Mason
Journal of experimental social psychology 46 (4), 668-671, 2010
Weighing the care: patients' perceptions of physician care as a function of gender and weight
MR Hebl, J Xu, MF Mason
International journal of obesity 27 (2), 269-275, 2003
Neural mechanisms of social influence
MF Mason, R Dyer, MI Norton
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 110 (2), 152-159, 2009
On construing others: Category and stereotype activation from facial cues
MF Mason, J Cloutier, CN Macrae
Social Cognition 24 (5), 540-562, 2006
Understanding others: the face and person construal.
CN Macrae, KA Quinn, MF Mason, S Quadflieg
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 89 (5), 686, 2005
Thinking about actions: the neural substrates of person knowledge
MF Mason, JF Banfield, CN Macrae
Cerebral Cortex 14 (2), 209-214, 2004
Categorizing and individuating others: The neural substrates of person perception
MF Mason, CN Macrae
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 16 (10), 1785-1795, 2004
The owl and the pussycat: Gaze cues and visuospatial orienting
S Quadflieg, MF Mason, CN Macrae
Psychonomic bulletin & review 11, 826-831, 2004
Culture, attribution and automaticity: a social cognitive neuroscience view
MF Mason, MW Morris
Social cognitive and affective neuroscience 5 (2-3), 292-306, 2010
The powerful size others down: The link between power and estimates of others' size
AJ Yap, MF Mason, DR Ames
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (3), 591-594, 2013
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Articles 1–20