Nicole H. Weiss
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Cited by
A systematic review of the impact of physician implicit racial bias on clinical decision making
E Dehon, N Weiss, J Jones, W Faulconer, E Hinton, S Sterling
Academic Emergency Medicine 24 (8), 895-904, 2017
Impulsive behaviors as an emotion regulation strategy: Examining associations between PTSD, emotion dysregulation, and impulsive behaviors among substance dependent inpatients
NH Weiss, MT Tull, AG Viana, MD Anestis, KL Gratz
Journal of anxiety disorders 26 (3), 453-458, 2012
Examining emotion regulation as an outcome, mechanism, or target of psychological treatments
KL Gratz, NH Weiss, MT Tull
Current opinion in psychology 3, 85-90, 2015
The relative and unique contributions of emotion dysregulation and impulsivity to posttraumatic stress disorder among substance dependent inpatients
NH Weiss, MT Tull, MD Anestis, KL Gratz
Drug and alcohol dependence 128 (1-2), 45-51, 2013
Explicating the role of emotion dysregulation in risky behaviors: A review and synthesis of the literature with directions for future research and clinical practice
NH Weiss, TP Sullivan, MT Tull
Current opinion in psychology 3, 22-29, 2015
Factor structure and initial validation of a multidimensional measure of difficulties in the regulation of positive emotions: The DERS-Positive
NH Weiss, KL Gratz, JM Lavender
Behavior modification 39 (3), 431-453, 2015
The contribution of emotion regulation difficulties to risky sexual behavior within a sample of patients in residential substance abuse treatment
MT Tull, NH Weiss, CE Adams, KL Gratz
Addictive behaviors 37 (10), 1084-1092, 2012
Emotion regulation and substance use: a meta-analysis
NH Weiss, R Kiefer, S Goncharenko, AM Raudales, SR Forkus, ...
Drug and alcohol dependence 230, 109131, 2022
Examining the association between emotion regulation difficulties and probable posttraumatic stress disorder within a sample of African Americans
NH Weiss, MT Tull, LT Davis, EE Dehon, JJ Fulton, KL Gratz
Cognitive behaviour therapy 41 (1), 5-14, 2012
Posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms and risky behaviors among trauma-exposed inpatients with substance dependence: The influence of negative and positive urgency
NH Weiss, MT Tull, TP Sullivan, KL Dixon-Gordon, KL Gratz
Drug and alcohol dependence 155, 147-153, 2015
Role of emotion dysregulation in the relationship between childhood abuse and probable PTSD in a sample of substance abusers
NH Weiss, MT Tull, J Lavender, KL Gratz
Child abuse & neglect 37 (11), 944-954, 2013
The Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Checklist for DSM–5: A systematic review of existing psychometric evidence.
SR Forkus, AM Raudales, HS Rafiuddin, NH Weiss, BA Messman, ...
Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice 30 (1), 110, 2023
An examination of the role of difficulties regulating positive emotions in posttraumatic stress disorder
NH Weiss, KL Dixon‐Gordon, C Peasant, TP Sullivan
Journal of Traumatic Stress 31 (5), 775-780, 2018
Difficulties regulating positive emotions and alcohol and drug misuse: A path analysis
NH Weiss, SR Forkus, AA Contractor, MR Schick
Addictive behaviors 84, 45-52, 2018
Examining the interactive effect of posttraumatic stress disorder, distress tolerance, and gender on residential substance use disorder treatment retention.
MT Tull, KL Gratz, SF Coffey, NH Weiss, MJ McDermott
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 27 (3), 763, 2013
A preliminary examination of the role of emotion differentiation in the relationship between borderline personality and urges for maladaptive behaviors
KL Dixon-Gordon, AL Chapman, NH Weiss, MZ Rosenthal
Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment 36, 616-625, 2014
Testing bidirectional associations among emotion regulation strategies and substance use: a daily diary study
NH Weiss, KW Bold, TP Sullivan, S Armeli, H Tennen
Addiction 112 (4), 695-704, 2017
PTSD's relation with problematic smartphone use: Mediating role of impulsivity
AA Contractor, NH Weiss, MT Tull, JD Elhai
Computers in Human Behavior 75, 177-183, 2017
Morally injurious experiences and mental health: The moderating role of self-compassion.
SR Forkus, JG Breines, NH Weiss
Psychological trauma: theory, research, practice, and policy 11 (6), 630, 2019
PTSD's risky behavior criterion: Relation with DSM-5 PTSD symptom clusters and psychopathology
AA Contractor, NH Weiss, P Dranger, C Ruggero, C Armour
Psychiatry research 252, 215-222, 2017
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Articles 1–20