Francois Jacquenet
Francois Jacquenet
Professor of Computer Science, University of Saint-Etienne (France)
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Cited by
Mining probabilistic automata: a statistical view of sequential pattern mining
S Jacquemont, F Jacquenet, M Sebban
Machine Learning 75, 91-127, 2009
Correct your text with Google
S Jacquemont, F Jacquenet, M Sebban
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'07), 170-176, 2007
Multi-relational Data Mining in medical databases
A Habrard, M Bernard, F Jacquenet
Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe, 365-374, 2003
Mining frequent logical sequences with SPIRIT-LoG
C Masson, F Jacquenet
Inductive Logic Programming: 12th International Conference, ILP 2002 Sydney …, 2003
Discovering unexpected documents in corpora
F Jacquenet, C Largeron
Knowledge-Based Systems 22 (6), 421-429, 2009
Anomaly detection, consider your dataset first an illustration on fraud detection
A Alazizi, A Habrard, F Jacquenet, L He-Guelton, F Oblé, W Siblini
2019 IEEE 31st international conference on tools with artificial …, 2019
Generalized stochastic tree automata for multi-relational data mining
A Habrard, M Bernard, F Jacquenet
Grammatical Inference: Algorithms and Applications: 6th International …, 2002
Free Space Modeling for Placing Rectangles without Overlapping.
M Bernard, F Jacquenet
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 3 (6), 703-720, 1997
A first-order-logic based model for grounded language learning
L Becerra-Bonache, H Blockeel, M Galván, F Jacquenet
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XIV: 14th International Symposium, IDA …, 2015
Hippocratic Multi-Agent Systems.
L Crépin, L Vercouter, O Boissier, Y Demazeau, F Jacquenet
ICEIS (2), 301-307, 2008
A lower bound on the sample size needed to perform a significant frequent pattern mining task
S Jacquemont, F Jacquenet, M Sebban
Pattern recognition letters 30 (11), 960-967, 2009
Sensitive data transaction in hippocratic multi-agent systems
L Crépin, Y Demazeau, O Boissier, F Jacquenet
Engineering Societies in the Agents World IX: 9th International Workshop …, 2009
Dual sequential variational autoencoders for fraud detection
A Alazizi, A Habrard, F Jacquenet, L He-Guelton, F Oblé
Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis XVIII: 18th International Symposium on …, 2020
Privacy preservation in a decentralized calendar system
L Crépin, Y Demazeau, O Boissier, F Jacquenet
7th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi …, 2009
Discovering unexpected information for technology watch
F Jacquenet, C Largeron
European Conference on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery …, 2004
Conversation mining in multi-agent systems
A Mounier, O Boissier, F Jacquenet
Multi-Agent Systems and Applications III: 3rd International Central and …, 2003
Meeting summarization, a challenge for deep learning
F Jacquenet, M Bernard, C Largeron
International Work-Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 644-655, 2019
Relational grounded language learning
L Becerra-Bonache, H Blockeel, M Galván, F Jacquenet
ECAI 2016, 1764-1765, 2016
Learning complexity to guide light-induced self-organized nanopatterns
E Brandao, A Nakhoul, S Duffner, R Emonet, F Garrelie, A Habrard, ...
Physical Review Letters 130 (22), 226201, 2023
Les Systemes Multi-Agents Hippocratiques
L Crépin, L Vercouter, Y Demazeau, F Jacquenet, O Boissier
Ph. D. thesis, 2009
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Articles 1–20