Rivka Bekenstein
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Cited by
Nondiffracting accelerating wave packets of Maxwell’s equations
I Kaminer, R Bekenstein, J Nemirovsky, M Segev
Physical review letters 108 (16), 163901, 2012
Quantum metasurfaces with atom arrays
R Bekenstein, I Pikovski, H Pichler, E Shahmoon, SF Yelin, MD Lukin
Nature Physics 16 (6), 676-681, 2020
Optical simulations of gravitational effects in the Newton–Schrödinger system
R Bekenstein, R Schley, M Mutzafi, C Rotschild, M Segev
Nature Physics 11 (10), 872-878, 2015
Loss-proof self-accelerating beams and their use in non-paraxial manipulation of particles’ trajectories
R Schley, I Kaminer, E Greenfield, R Bekenstein, Y Lumer, M Segev
Nature communications 5 (1), 5189, 2014
Control of light by curved space in nanophotonic structures
R Bekenstein, Y Kabessa, Y Sharabi, O Tal, N Engheta, G Eisenstein, ...
Nature photonics 11 (10), 664-670, 2017
Self-accelerating optical beams in highly nonlocal nonlinear media
R Bekenstein, M Segev
Optics Express 19 (24), 23706-23715, 2011
Efficient source of shaped single photons based on an integrated diamond nanophotonic system
EN Knall, CM Knaut, R Bekenstein, DR Assumpcao, PL Stroganov, ...
Physical Review Letters 129 (5), 053603, 2022
Shape-preserving accelerating electromagnetic wave packets in curved space
R Bekenstein, J Nemirovsky, I Kaminer, M Segev
Physical Review X 4 (1), 011038, 2014
Self-accelerating Dirac particles and prolonging the lifetime of relativistic fermions
I Kaminer, J Nemirovsky, M Rechtsman, R Bekenstein, M Segev
Nature Physics 11 (3), 261-267, 2015
Wavefront shaping through emulated curved space in waveguide settings
C Sheng, R Bekenstein, H Liu, S Zhu, M Segev
Nature communications 7 (1), 10747, 2016
Observation of accelerating wave packets in curved space
A Patsyk, MA Bandres, R Bekenstein, M Segev
Physical Review X 8 (1), 011001, 2018
Curved-space topological phases in photonic lattices
E Lustig, MI Cohen, R Bekenstein, G Harari, MA Bandres, M Segev
Physical Review A 96 (4), 041804, 2017
Optical entanglement of distinguishable quantum emitters
DS Levonian, R Riedinger, B Machielse, EN Knall, MK Bhaskar, ...
Physical Review Letters 128 (21), 213602, 2022
Beam steering at the nanosecond time scale with an atomically thin reflector
TI Andersen, RJ Gelly, G Scuri, BL Dwyer, DS Wild, R Bekenstein, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 3431, 2022
Efficient source of shaped single photons based on an integrated diamond nanophotonic system
CM Knaut, MD Lukin, M Loncar, EN Knail, R Bekenstein, DR Assumpcao
US Patent App. 18/068,424, 2023
Accelerating beyond the horizon
I Kaminer, E Greenfield, R Bekenstein, J Nemirovsky, M Segev, A Mathis, ...
Optics and Photonics News 23 (12), 26-26, 2012
Spatial light modulation at the nanosecond scale with an atomically thin reflector
TI Andersen, RJ Gelly, G Scuri, BL Dwyer, DS Wild, R Bekenstein, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04781 10, 2021
Induction of topological transport by long ranged nonlinearity
YT Katan, R Bekenstein, M Bandres, Y Lumer, Y Plotnik, M Segev
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, FM3A. 6, 2016
Curved space nanophotonics inspired by general relativity
R Bekenstein, Y Kabessa, Y Sharabi, O Tal, N Engheta, G Eisenstein, ...
2016 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), 1-2, 2016
Loss-proof self-accelerating plasmons and exponentially growing beams
R Schley, I Kaminer, E Greenfield, R Bekenstein, G Bartal, M Segev
CLEO: QELS_Fundamental Science, QW3N. 8, 2013
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Articles 1–20