Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves
Rui Abrunhosa Gonçalves
Professor Associado com Agregação da Escola de Psicologia da Universidade do Minho
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Delinquência, crime e adaptação à prisão
RA Gonçalves
Violência e vítimas de crimes
C Machado, RA Gonçalves
Coimbra: Quarteto 2019, 23, 2003
Intimate partner violence offenders: Generating a data-based typology of batterers and implications for treatment
O Cunha, RA Gonçalves
The European journal of psychology applied to legal context 5 (2), 131-139, 2013
O estado de arte do conceito de psicopatia
C Soeiro, RA Gonçalves
Análise Psicológica 28 (1), 227-240, 2010
Predicting infractions and health care utilization in prison: A meta-analysis
LC Gonçalves, RA Gonçalves, C Martins, AJE Dirkzwager
Criminal Justice and Behavior 41 (8), 921-942, 2014
Validation of the youth psychopathic traits inventory and youth psychopathic traits inventory–short version among incarcerated juvenile delinquents
P Pechorro, H Andershed, JV Ray, J Maroco, RA Goncalves
Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment 37, 576-586, 2015
Psicopatia e processos adaptativos à prisão: da intervenção para a prevenção
RA Gonçalves
Adaptation of the Basic Empathy Scale among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile offenders
P Pechorro, JV Ray, CP Salas-Wright, J Maroco, RA Goncalves
Psychology, Crime & Law 21 (7), 699-714, 2015
Predictors of intimate partner homicide in a sample of Portuguese male domestic offenders
OS Cunha, RA Gonçalves
Journal of interpersonal violence 34 (12), 2573-2598, 2019
A adaptação à prisão: um processo vivido e observado
RA Gonçalves
Validation of the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits among a Portuguese sample of detained juvenile offenders
P Pechorro, JV Ray, R Barroso, J Maroco, RA Goncalves
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 60 (3 …, 2016
The Reactive–Proactive Aggression Questionnaire: Validation among a Portuguese sample of incarcerated juvenile delinquents
P Pechorro, JV Ray, A Raine, J Maroco, RA Goncalves
Journal of interpersonal violence 32 (13), 1995-2017, 2017
Psychopathy and intimate partner violence
O Cunha, T Braga, RA Gonçalves
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (3-4), NP1720-1738NP, 2021
Psicologia Forense em Portugal: Uma história de responsabilidades e desafios
RA Gonçalves
Análise psicológica 28 (1), 107-115, 2010
Perturbação mental e ideação suicida entre reclusos preventivos
NC Moreira, RA Gonçalves
Análise Psicológica 28 (1), 133-148, 2010
Severe and less severe intimate partner violence: From characterization to prediction
OS Cunha, RA Goncalves
Violence and Victims 31 (2), 235-250, 2016
Análise confirmatória fatorial de uma versão portuguesa do Questionário de Agressividade de Buss-Perry
O Cunha, RA Gonçalves
Laboratório de Psicologia 10 (1), 3-17, 2012
Why do people kill? A critical review of the literature on factors associated with homicide
M Botelho, RA Goncalves
Aggression and violent behavior 26, 9-15, 2016
Sexual predators and prey: A comparative study of the hunting behavior of rapists and child molesters
MF Rebocho, RA Gonçalves
Journal of interpersonal violence 27 (14), 2770-2789, 2012
Juvenile delinquency and psychopathic traits: An empirical study with Portuguese adolescents
P Pechorro, RA Gonçalves, J Maroco, AP Gama, S Neves, C Nunes
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 58 (2 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20