Utkarshaa Varshney
Utkarshaa Varshney
PhD candidate
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Hydrogen-induced degradation
AC née Wenham, S Wenham, R Chen, C Chan, D Chen, B Hallam, ...
2018 IEEE 7th world conference on photovoltaic energy conversion (WCPEC)(A …, 2018
Evaluating the Impact of SiNx Thickness on Lifetime Degradation in Silicon
U Varshney, M Abbott, A Ciesla, D Chen, S Liu, C Sen, M Kim, S Wenham, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (3), 601-607, 2019
Extraction of nickel nanoparticles from electroplating waste and their application in production of bio-diesel from biowaste
AK Sharma, S Desnavi, C Dixit, U Varshney, A Sharma
International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications 6 (3), 156, 2015
Controlling light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation with thin film barrier layers
U Varshney, B Hallam, P Hamer, A Ciesla, D Chen, S Liu, C Sen, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 10 (1), 19-27, 2019
Annealing prior to contact firing: A potential new approach to suppress LeTID
C Sen, C Chan, P Hamer, M Wright, U Varshney, S Liu, D Chen, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 200, 109938, 2019
Assessing the impact of thermal profiles on the elimination of light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation
C Sen, M Kim, D Chen, U Varshney, S Liu, A Samadi, A Ciesla, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 9 (1), 40-48, 2018
Impact of dark annealing on the kinetics of light-and elevated-temperature-induced degradation
S Liu, D Payne, CV Castrillon, D Chen, M Kim, C Sen, U Varshney, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 8 (6), 1494-1502, 2018
Investigation of temperature and illumination dependencies of carrier-induced degradation in p-type multi-crystalline silicon
S Liu, C Chan, D Chen, M Kim, C Sen, U Varshney, B Hallam, M Abbott, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1999 (1), 2018
Impact of substrate thickness on the degradation in multicrystalline silicon
U Varshney, M Kim, MU Khan, P Hamer, C Chan, M Abbott, B Hoex
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11 (1), 65-72, 2020
Influence of dielectric passivation layer thickness on LeTID in multicrystalline silicon
U Varshney, MD Abbott, S Liu, D Chen, M Kim, C Sen, DNR Payne, ...
2018 IEEE 7th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (WCPEC)(A …, 2018
Understanding light-and elevated temperature-induced degradation in silicon wafers using hydrogen effusion mass spectroscopy
S Jafari, U Varshney, B Hoex, S Meyer, D Lausch
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 11 (6), 1363-1369, 2021
Different extent and behaviour of LeTID in the past and current PERC silicon solar cells
C Sen, C Chan, D Chen, M Wright, U Varshney, M Kim, A Samadi, S Liu, ...
Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference, 2019
Electronic applications of graphene mechanical resonators
A Sharma, U Varshney, Y Lu
IET Circuits, Devices & Systems 9 (6), 413-419, 2015
Hydrogenation of dislocations in p-type cast-mono silicon
A Samadi, C Sen, S Liu, U Varshney, D Chen, M Kim, AM Soufiani, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 2147 (1), 2019
Impact of wafer properties and production processes on the degradation in industrial PERC solar cells
U Varshney, WM Li, X Li, C Chan, B Hoex
2020 47th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), 0803-0806, 2020
Acceleration and Mitigation of Hydrogen Induced Degradation in p-type Cast-mono Silicon
S Liu, D Payne, D Chen, U Varshney, A Samadi, C Sen, B Hallam, ...
Asia-Pacific Sol. Res. Conf, 9-10, 0
Examining the influence of surface dielectric layers and bulk properties in light-and elevated temperature-induced degradation in crystalline silicon
U Varshney
UNSW Sydney, 2021
P-type Czochralski Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells with High and Stable Open-circuit Voltage
U Varshney, M Kim, MU Khan, P Hamer, C Chan, M Abbott, B Hallam
Light-Induced Degradation And Recovery In Multicrystalline Silicon: Dependence On Wafer Thickness
U Varshney, M Kim, MU Khan, P Hamer, C Chan, M Abbott, B Hoex
Performance Evaluation of a DC Direct-Coupled PV System in comparison with a Typical Grid-connected AC System for a Commercial Building
U Varshney
State University of New York at Stony Brook, 2016
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Articles 1–20