Alon Manor
Alon Manor
Israel Institute for Biological Research
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Cited by
Facilitation, competition, and vegetation patchiness: from scale free distribution to patterns
A Manor, NM Shnerb
Journal of theoretical biology 253 (4), 838-842, 2008
Origin of Pareto-like spatial distributions in ecosystems
A Manor, NM Shnerb
Physical Review Letters 101 (26), 268104, 2008
A stochastic single-particle Lagrangian model for the concentration fluctuations in a plume dispersing inside an urban canopy
A Manor
Boundary-layer meteorology 150, 327-340, 2014
Multiplicative noise and second order phase transitions
A Manor, NM Shnerb
Physical review letters 103 (3), 030601, 2009
Bayesian Inference aided analog downscaling for near-surface winds in complex terrain
A Manor, S Berkovic
Atmospheric Research 164, 27-36, 2015
Investigation of the protection efficacy of face shields against aerosol cough droplets
A Ronen, H Rotter, S Elisha, S Sevilia, B Parizer, N Hafif, A Manor
Journal of occupational and environmental hygiene 18 (2), 72-83, 2021
Dynamical failure of Turing patterns
A Manor, NM Shnerb
Europhysics Letters 74 (5), 837, 2006
Concentration fluctuations and odor dispersion in Lagrangian models
E Ferrero, A Manor, L Mortarini, D Oettl
Atmosphere 11 (1), 27, 2019
Real-time stand-off spatial detection and identification of gases and vapor using external-cavity quantum cascade laser open-path spectrometer
R Aharoni, I Ron, N Gilad, A Manor, Y Arav, S Kendler
Optical Engineering 54 (6), 067103-067103, 2015
Using longwave infrared hyperspectral imaging for a quantitative atmospheric tracer monitoring in outdoor environments
E Hirsch, E Agassi, A Manor
International Journal of Geosciences 12 (03), 233, 2021
A novel quantitative multi-component serological assay for SARS-CoV-2 vaccine evaluation
M Fisher, A Manor, H Abramovitch, E Fatelevich, Y Afrimov, G Bilinsky, ...
Analytical chemistry 94 (10), 4380-4389, 2022
High-fidelity simulations of Chemical Plume Tracing in the planetary boundary layer
A Manor, S Marx, R Aharoni
Atmospheric Environment 198, 313-323, 2019
Concentration fluctuations modeling: a comparative study
A Manor
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 22 (6), 1381-1398, 2022
From companies to colonies: The origin of Pareto-like distributions in ecosystems
A Manor, NM Shnerb
arXiv preprint arXiv:0810.0841, 2008
Validation of StreamLine XR Doppler Lidar wind observations using in-situ measurements and WRF simulations
T Tzadok, A Ronen, D Rostkier-Edelstein, E Agassi, D Avisar, S Berkovic, ...
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques Discussions 2022, 1-25, 2022
Downscaling of Wind Predictions in Complex Terrain Using Bayesian Inference
A Manor, D Avisar, P Kunin, S Berkovic
23rd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence/21st Conference on Air-Sea …, 2018
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Articles 1–16