Alexander J. White
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Cited by
Non-adiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics: Theory and applications for modeling photophysics in extended molecular materials
TR Nelson, AJ White, JA Bjorgaard, AE Sifain, Y Zhang, B Nebgen, ...
Chemical reviews 120 (4), 2215-2287, 2020
NEXMD software package for nonadiabatic excited state molecular dynamics simulations
W Malone, B Nebgen, A White, Y Zhang, H Song, JA Bjorgaard, AE Sifain, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16 (9), 5771-5783, 2020
Ab Initio Studies on the Stopping Power of Warm Dense Matter with Time-Dependent Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory
YH Ding, AJ White, SX Hu, O Certik, LA Collins
Physical Review Letters 121 (14), 145001, 2018
Review of the first charged-particle transport coefficient comparison workshop
PE Grabowski, SB Hansen, MS Murillo, LG Stanton, FR Graziani, ...
High Energy Density Physics 37, 100905, 2020
Collective plasmon-molecule excitations in nanojunctions: Quantum consideration
AJ White, BD Fainberg, M Galperin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 3 (19), 2738-2743, 2012
Fast and Universal Kohn Sham Density Functional Theory Algorithm for Warm Dense Matter to Hot Dense Plasma
AJ White, LA Collins
Physical Review Letters 125, 055002, 2020
Inelastic transport: a pseudoparticle approach
AJ White, M Galperin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (40), 13809-13819, 2012
Photoexcited nonadiabatic dynamics of solvated push–pull π-conjugated oligomers with the NEXMD software
AE Sifain, JA Bjorgaard, TR Nelson, BT Nebgen, AJ White, BJ Gifford, ...
Journal of chemical theory and computation 14 (8), 3955-3966, 2018
Time-dependent orbital-free density functional theory for electronic stopping power: Comparison to the Mermin-Kohn-Sham theory at high temperatures
AJ White, O Certik, YH Ding, SX Hu, LA Collins
Physical Review B 98 (14), 144302, 2018
Raman scattering in molecular junctions: A pseudoparticle formulation
AJ White, S Tretiak, M Galperin
Nano letters 14 (2), 699-703, 2014
Proton stopping measurements at low velocity in warm dense carbon
S Malko, W Cayzac, V Ospina-Bohorquez, K Bhutwala, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2893, 2022
Nonadiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics methodologies: Comparison and convergence
VM Freixas, AJ White, T Nelson, H Song, DV Makhov, D Shalashilin, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (11), 2970-2982, 2021
Coherence in charge and energy transfer in molecular junctions
AJ White, U Peskin, M Galperin
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (20), 205424, 2013
Correlation and transport properties for mixtures at constant pressure and temperature
AJ White, LA Collins, JD Kress, C Ticknor, J Clérouin, P Arnault, ...
Physical Review E 95 (6), 063202, 2017
Nonequilibrium atomic limit for transport and optical response of molecular junctions
AJ White, MA Ochoa, M Galperin
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (21), 11159-11173, 2014
Molecular nanoplasmonics: self-consistent electrodynamics in current carrying junctions
AJ White, M Sukharev, M Galperin
Phys. Rev. B. 86 (20), 205324, 2012
Coupled wave-packets for non-adiabatic molecular dynamics: a generalization of Gaussian wave-packet dynamics to multiple potential energy surfaces
A White, S Tretiak, D Mozyrsky
Chemical science 7 (8), 4905-4911, 2016
An ab initio multiple cloning method for non-adiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics in NWChem
H Song, VM Freixas, S Fernandez-Alberti, AJ White, Y Zhang, S Mukamel, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 17 (6), 3629-3643, 2021
Mixed stochastic-deterministic time-dependent density functional theory: application to stopping power of warm dense carbon
AJ White, LA Collins, K Nichols, SX Hu
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 34 (17), 174001, 2022
Multicomponent mutual diffusion in the warm, dense matter regime
AJ White, C Ticknor, ER Meyer, JD Kress, LA Collins
Physical Review E 100 (3), 033213, 2019
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Articles 1–20