David Sluss
David Sluss
ESSEC Business School (Paris, France)
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Relational identity and identification: Defining ourselves through work relationships
DM Sluss, BE Ashforth
Academy of management review 32 (1), 9-32, 2007
Socialization tactics, proactive behavior, and newcomer learning: Integrating socialization models
BE Ashforth, DM Sluss, AM Saks
Journal of vocational behavior 70 (3), 447-462, 2007
Identity dynamics in occupational dirty work: Integrating social identity and system justification perspectives
GE Kreiner, BE Ashforth, DM Sluss
Organization science 17 (5), 619-636, 2006
How relational and organizational identification converge: Processes and conditions
DM Sluss, BE Ashforth
Organization Science 19 (6), 807-823, 2008
Socialization in organizational contexts
BE Ashforth, DM Sluss, SH Harrison
International review of industrial and organizational psychology 2007, 1-70, 2007
Perceived organizational support as a mediator between relational exchange and organizational identification
DM Sluss, M Klimchak, JJ Holmes
Journal of vocational behavior 73 (3), 457-464, 2008
Generalizing newcomers' relational and organizational identifications: Processes and prototypicality
DM Sluss, RE Ployhart, MG Cobb, BE Ashforth
Academy of Management Journal 55 (4), 949-975, 2012
Role theory in organizations: A relational perspective.
DM Sluss, R Van Dick, BS Thompson
American Psychological Association, 2011
Curiosity adapted the cat: the role of trait curiosity in newcomer adaptation.
SH Harrison, DM Sluss, BE Ashforth
Journal of applied psychology 96 (1), 211, 2011
Socializing the newcomer: The mediating role of leader–member exchange
DM Sluss, BS Thompson
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 119 (1), 114-125, 2012
Lying for who we are: An identity-based model of workplace dishonesty
K Leavitt, DM Sluss
Academy of Management Review 40 (4), 587-610, 2015
Introduction to special topic forum: The changing nature of work relationships
ED Heaphy, K Byron, GA Ballinger, JH Gittell, C Leana, DM Sluss
Academy of Management Review 43 (4), 558-569, 2018
Becoming: The interaction of socialization and identity in organizations over time
BE Ashforth, SH Harrison, DM Sluss
Time and work: How time impacts individuals, 2014
The search for meaning in (new) work: Task significance and newcomer plasticity
DM Sluss, BE Ashforth, KR Gibson
Journal of Vocational Behavior 81 (2), 199-208, 2012
Relational identities in organizations: Healthy versus unhealthy
BE Ashforth, DM Sluss
Relational perspectives in organization studies, 8-27, 2006
Socialization perspectives and positive organizational scholarship
BE Ashforth, KK Myers, DM Sluss
Generalizing relational identification to and from organizational identification
DM Sluss
Arizona State University, 2006
Systematic motivational counseling at work: Improving employee performance, satisfaction, and socialization
L Roberson, DM Sluss
Handbook of motivational counseling: Goal‐based approaches to assessment and …, 2011
Build your team’s resilience - From home
DM Sluss, E Powley
Harvard Business Review, 2020
Improving the Trainee Socialization Process in Basic Combat Training
MG Cobb, DM Sluss, ST Muraca, BA Brown, MS Salter, RM Rutti
United States Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, 2011
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Articles 1–20