Stephan Peth
Stephan Peth
Professor für Bodenbiophysik, Institut für Bodenkunde, Leibniz Universität Hannover
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Microaggregates in soils
KU Totsche, W Amelung, MH Gerzabek, G Guggenberger, E Klumpp, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 181 (1), 104-136, 2018
Einführung in die Bodenphysik
KH Hartge, R Horn, J Bachmann, S Peth
Enke, 1991
Land use change impacts on floods at the catchment scale: Challenges and opportunities for future research
M Rogger, M Agnoletti, A Alaoui, JC Bathurst, G Bodner, M Borga, ...
Water resources research 53 (7), 5209-5219, 2017
Three‐dimensional quantification of intra‐aggregate pore‐space features using synchrotron‐radiation‐based microtomography
S Peth, R Horn, F Beckmann, T Donath, J Fischer, AJM Smucker
Soil Science Society of America Journal 72 (4), 897-907, 2008
Nutrient acquisition from arable subsoils in temperate climates: A review
T Kautz, W Amelung, F Ewert, T Gaiser, R Horn, R Jahn, M Javaux, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57, 1003-1022, 2013
Soil organic matter as sole indicator of soil degradation
SE Obalum, GU Chibuike, S Peth, Y Ouyang
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-19, 2017
Does soil compaction increase floods? A review
A Alaoui, M Rogger, S Peth, G Blöschl
Journal of hydrology 557, 631-642, 2018
Spatial variability of soil properties affected by grazing intensity in Inner Mongolia grassland
Y Zhao, S Peth, J Krümmelbein, R Horn, Z Wang, M Steffens, C Hoffmann, ...
Ecological modelling 205 (1-2), 241-254, 2007
Impact of modern forest vehicles on soil physical properties
R Horn, J Vossbrink, S Peth, S Becker
Forest ecology and management 248 (1-2), 56-63, 2007
An approach to rheometry in soil mechanics—structural changes in bentonite, clayey and silty soils
W Markgraf, R Horn, S Peth
Soil and Tillage Research 91 (1-2), 1-14, 2006
Controls of surface soil moisture spatial patterns and their temporal stability in a semi‐arid steppe
Y Zhao, S Peth, XY Wang, H Lin, R Horn
Hydrological Processes 24 (18), 2507-2519, 2010
Aggregate stability and physical protection of soil organic carbon in semi‐arid steppe soils
M Wiesmeier, M Steffens, CW Mueller, A Kölbl, A Reszkowska, S Peth, ...
European journal of soil science 63 (1), 22-31, 2012
Effects of vegetation restoration on soil aggregate microstructure quantified with synchrotron-based micro-computed tomography
H Zhou, X Peng, S Peth, TQ Xiao
Soil and Tillage Research 124, 17-23, 2012
Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database
M Rahmati, L Weihermüller, J Vanderborght, YA Pachepsky, L Mao, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (3), 1237-1263, 2018
Root-length densities of various annual crops following crops with contrasting root systems
U Perkons, T Kautz, D Uteau, S Peth, V Geier, K Thomas, KL Holz, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 137, 50-57, 2014
An interdisciplinary approach towards improved understanding of soil deformation during compaction
T Keller, M Lamandé, S Peth, M Berli, JY Delenne, W Baumgarten, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 128, 61-80, 2013
Non-invasive 3D analysis of local soil deformation under mechanical and hydraulic stresses by μCT and digital image correlation
S Peth, J Nellesen, G Fischer, R Horn
Soil and Tillage Research 111 (1), 3-18, 2010
Organic matter input determines structure development and aggregate formation in artificial soils
FB Bucka, A Kölbl, D Uteau, S Peth, I Kögel-Knabner
Geoderma 354, 113881, 2019
Root and time dependent soil structure formation and its influence on gas transport in the subsoil
D Uteau, SK Pagenkemper, S Peth, R Horn
Soil and Tillage Research 132, 69-76, 2013
Quantification of soil shrinkage in 2D by digital image processing of soil surface
X Peng, R Horn, S Peth, A Smucker
Soil and Tillage Research 91 (1-2), 173-180, 2006
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Articles 1–20