Marian-Gabriel Hâncean
Marian-Gabriel Hâncean
University of Bucharest, Department of Sociology
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Cited by
A multinational Delphi consensus to end the COVID-19 public health threat
Lazarus, Jeffrey V, et al.
Nature, 1-14, 2022
Early spread of COVID-19 in Romania: imported cases from Italy and human-to-human transmission networks
MG Hancean, M Perc, J Lerner
Royal Society Open Science 7 (7), 200780, 2020
The impact of human mobility networks on the global spread of COVID-19
MG Hâncean, M Slavinec, M Perc
Journal of Complex Networks 8 (6), cnaa041, 2020
Calitatea învăţământului superior din România: o analiză instituţională a tendinţelor actuale
S Ciotlăuş, B Florian, MG Hâncean, A Miroiu, M Păunescu, P Rusu, ...
Polirom, 2011
Homophily in coauthorship networks of East European sociologists
MG Hâncean, M Perc
Scientific reports 6 (1), 36152, 2016
Recent advancements, developments and applications of personal network analysis
MG Hâncean, JL Molina, MJ Lubbers
International Review of Social Research 6 (4), 137-145, 2016
Occupations and their impact on the spreading of COVID-19 in urban communities
MG Hâncean, J Lerner, M Perc, I Oană, DA Bunaciu, AA Stoica, MC Ghiţă
Scientific reports 12 (1), 14115, 2022
Distribuţii statistice, interpretări şi opţiuni privind Starea Calităţii în Învăţământul Superior. Barometrul Calităţii 2009
L Vlăsceanu, G Hâncean, B Voicu, C Tufiş
Bucureşti, ARACIS, QualMedia, 2010
The coauthorship networks of the most productive European researchers
MG Hâncean, M Perc, J Lerner
Scientometrics 126 (1), 201-224, 2021
Barometrul Calităţii 2010
L Vlăsceanu, A Miroiu, M Păunescu, MG Hâncean
Starea calităţii în învăţământul superior din România. Braşov: Editura …, 2011
Reţelele sociale: teorie, metodologie şi aplicaţii
MG Hâncean
Polirom, 2014
Internalizing quality assurance in higher education: Challenges of transition in enhancing the institutional responsibility for quality
M Păunescu, B Florian, GM Hâncean
European higher education at the crossroads: between the Bologna process and …, 2012
Policy incentives and research productivity in the Romanian higher education. An institutional approach
L Vlăsceanu, MG Hâncean
The European Higher Education Area: Between Critical Reflections and Future …, 2015
Micro-level network dynamics of scientific collaboration and impact: relational hyperevent models for the analysis of coauthor networks
J Lerner, MG Hâncean
Network Science 11 (1), 5-35, 2023
The role of age in the spreading of COVID-19 across a social network in Bucharest
MG Hâncean, J Lerner, M Perc, MC Ghiţă, DA Bunaciu, AA Stoica, ...
Journal of Complex Networks 9 (4), cnab026, 2021
Fragmented Romanian Sociology: Growth and Structure of the Collaboration Network
MG Hâncean, M Perc, L Vlăsceanu
Plos one 9 (11), e113271, 2014
REM beyond dyads: Relational hyperevent models for multi-actor interaction networks
J Lerner, M Tranmer, J Mowbray, MG Hancean
arXiv preprint arXiv:1912.07403, 2019
Modernitatea românească
L Vlăsceanu, MG Hâncean
Paralela 45 Editura, 2014
Disaggregated data on age and sex for the first 250 days of the COVID-19 pandemic in Bucharest, Romania
MG Hâncean, MC Ghiță, M Perc, J Lerner, I Oană, BE Mihăilă, AA Stoica, ...
Scientific Data 9 (1), 253, 2022
Measuring transnational social fields through binational link-tracing sampling
MG Hâncean, MJ Lubbers, JL Molina
PLoS ONE 16 (6), e0253042, 2021
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Articles 1–20