Paula Spaeth Anich
Paula Spaeth Anich
Associate Professor of Biology and Natural Resources, Northland College
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Genetic response to climatic change: insights from ancient DNA and phylochronology
EA Hadly, UMA Ramakrishnan, YL Chan, M van Tuinen, K O'Keefe, ...
PLoS Biology 2 (10), e290, 2004
Niche conservatism above the species level
EA Hadly, PA Spaeth, C Li
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (supplement_2), 19707-19714, 2009
The evolutionary consequences of oxygenic photosynthesis: a body size perspective
JL Payne, CR McClain, AG Boyer, JH Brown, S Finnegan, M Kowalewski, ...
Photosynthesis research 107, 37-57, 2011
Body size evolution across the Geozoic
FA Smith, JL Payne, NA Heim, MA Balk, S Finnegan, M Kowalewski, ...
Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 44 (1), 523-553, 2016
Ultraviolet fluorescence discovered in New World flying squirrels (Glaucomys)
AM Kohler, ER Olson, JG Martin, PS Anich
Journal of Mammalogy 100 (1), 21-30, 2019
Linking big: the continuing promise of evolutionary synthesis
B Sidlauskas, G Ganapathy, E Hazkani-Covo, KP Jenkins, H Lapp, ...
Evolution 64 (4), 871-880, 2010
Biofluorescence in the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)
PS Anich, S Anthony, M Carlson, A Gunnelson, AM Kohler, JG Martin, ...
Mammalia 85 (2), 179-181, 2021
Ecological genetics of Mpi and Gpi polymorphisms in the acorn barnacle and the spatial scale of neutral and non-neutral variation
DM Rand, PS Spaeth, TB Sackton, PS Schmidt
Integrative and Comparative Biology 42 (4), 825-836, 2002
Vivid biofluorescence discovered in the nocturnal Springhare (Pedetidae)
ER Olson, MR Carlson, VMS Ramanujam, L Sears, SE Anthony, PS Anich, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 4125, 2021
Phylogeography of Microtus longicaudus in the tectonically and glacially dynamic central Rocky Mountains
PA Spaeth, M Van Tuinen, YL Chan, D Terca, EA Hadly
Journal of Mammalogy 90 (3), 571-584, 2009
Morphological convergence and coexistence in three sympatric North American species of Microtus (Rodentia: Arvicolinae)
PA Spaeth
Journal of biogeography 36 (2), 350-361, 2009
Asymmetrical competition between Microtus montanus and Microtus longicaudus in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
PS Anich
The American Midland Naturalist 170 (2), 274-286, 2013
The Geozoic Supereon
M KOWALEWSKI, JL Payne, FA Smith, SC Wang, DW McShea, S Xiao, ...
Palaios 26 (5), 251-255, 2011
Recent declines in Gray Jays on Christmas Bird Counts in northern Wisconsin
RC Menebroeker, PS Anich, DH Ogle, NM Anich
Passenger Pigeon 78 (2), 161-170, 2016
Techniques for documenting and quantifying biofluorescence through digital photography and color quantization
EC Hakanson, KJ Hakanson, PS Anich, JG Martin
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology 12, 100149, 2022
No general relationship between body size and extinction risk in the fossil record of marine invertebrates and phytoplankton
S Finnegan, SC Wang, AG Boyer, ME Clapham, ZV Finkel, MA Kosnik, ...
Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Programs 41 (7), 506, 2009
A multi-scale investigation of mammalian diversity
PA Spaeth
Stanford University, 2007
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Articles 1–17