Yuanpeng Janet Huang
Yuanpeng Janet Huang
Senior Research Scientist
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Automated analysis of protein NMR assignments using methods from artificial intelligence
DE Zimmerman, CA Kulikowski, Y Huang, W Feng, M Tashiro, ...
Journal of molecular biology 269 (4), 592-610, 1997
Protein NMR Recall, Precision, and F-measure Scores (RPF Scores):  Structure Quality Assessment Measures Based on Information Retrieval Statistics
YJ Huang, R Powers, GT Montelione
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (6), 1665-1674, 2005
Protein NMR spectroscopy in structural genomics
GT Montelione, D Zheng, YJ Huang, KC Gunsalus, T Szyperski
nature structural biology 7 (11), 982-985, 2000
A novel RNA-binding motif in influenza A virus non-structural protein 1.
CY Chien, R Tejero, Y Huang, DE Zimmerman, CB Ríos, RM Krug, ...
Nature structural biology 4 (11), 891-895, 1997
UNC119 is required for G protein trafficking in sensory neurons
H Zhang, R Constantine, S Vorobiev, Y Chen, J Seetharaman, YJ Huang, ...
Nature neuroscience 14 (7), 874, 2011
Outcome of a workshop on applications of protein models in biomedical research
T Schwede, A Sali, B Honig, M Levitt, HM Berman, D Jones, SE Brenner, ...
Structure 17 (2), 151-159, 2009
Solution NMR structure of the junction between tropomyosin molecules: implications for actin binding and regulation
NJ Greenfield, YJ Huang, GVT Swapna, A Bhattacharya, B Rapp, A Singh, ...
Journal of molecular biology 364 (1), 80-96, 2006
A topology‐constrained distance network algorithm for protein structure determination from NOESY data
YJ Huang, R Tejero, R Powers, GT Montelione
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 62 (3), 587-603, 2006
The high-throughput protein sample production platform of the Northeast Structural Genomics Consortium
R Xiao, S Anderson, J Aramini, R Belote, WA Buchwald, C Ciccosanti, ...
Journal of structural biology 172 (1), 21-33, 2010
A microscale protein NMR sample screening pipeline
P Rossi, GVT Swapna, YJ Huang, JM Aramini, C Anklin, K Conover, ...
Journal of biomolecular NMR 46 (1), 11-22, 2010
Automated analysis of protein NMR assignments and structures
MC Baran, YJ Huang, HNB Moseley, GT Montelione
Chemical reviews 104 (8), 3541-3556, 2004
Preparation of protein samples for NMR structure, function, and small-molecule screening studies
TB Acton, R Xiao, S Anderson, J Aramini, WA Buchwald, C Ciccosanti, ...
Methods in enzymology 493, 21-60, 2011
Assessment of template‐based protein structure predictions in CASP10
YJ Huang, B Mao, JM Aramini, GT Montelione
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 82, 43-56, 2014
Solution NMR structure of ribosome-binding factor A (RbfA), a cold-shock adaptation protein from Escherichia coli
YJ Huang, GVT Swapna, PK Rajan, H Ke, B Xia, K Shukla, M Inouye, ...
Journal of molecular biology 327 (2), 521-536, 2003
Solution NMR Structure of the NlpC/P60 Domain of Lipoprotein Spr from Escherichia coli: Structural Evidence for a Novel Cysteine Peptidase Catalytic Triad
JM Aramini, P Rossi, YJ Huang, L Zhao, M Jiang, M Maglaqui, R Xiao, ...
Biochemistry 47 (37), 9715-9717, 2008
Protein structure determination by combining sparse NMR data with evolutionary couplings
Y Tang, YJ Huang, TA Hopf, C Sander, DS Marks, GT Montelione
Nature methods 12 (8), 751-754, 2015
Proteins flex to function
YJ Huang, GT Montelione
Nature 438 (7064), 36-37, 2005
Blind testing of routine, fully automated determination of protein structures from NMR data
A Rosato, JM Aramini, C Arrowsmith, A Bagaria, D Baker, A Cavalli, ...
Structure 20 (2), 227-236, 2012
Targeting the human cancer pathway protein interaction network by structural genomics
YJ Huang, D Hang, LJ Lu, L Tong, MB Gerstein, GT Montelione
Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 7 (10), 2048-2060, 2008
An integrated platform for automated analysis of protein NMR structures
YJ Huang, HNB Moseley, MC Baran, C Arrowsmith, R Powers, R Tejero, ...
Methods in enzymology 394, 111-141, 2005
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Articles 1–20