Zhenyu Yang
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Cited by
Sentiment analysis on tweets for social events
X Zhou, X Tao, J Yong, Z Yang
Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE 17th international conference on computer …, 2013
Membrane fouling for produced water treatment: A review study from a process control perspective
KL Jepsen, MV Bram, S Pedersen, Z Yang
Water 10 (7), 847, 2018
An algebraic approach towards the controllability of controlled switching linear hybrid systems
Z Yang
Automatica 38 (7), 1221-1228, 2002
Challenges in slug modeling and control for offshore oil and gas productions: A review study
S Pedersen, P Durdevic, Z Yang
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 88, 270-284, 2017
Subsea infrastructure inspection: A review study
C Mai, S Pedersen, L Hansen, KL Jepsen, Z Yang
2016 IEEE International Conference on Underwater System Technology: Theory …, 2016
Energy efficient control of a boosting system with multiple variable-speed pumps in parallel
Z Yang, H Børsting
49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2198-2203, 2010
Reliability modeling of fault tolerant control systems
H Li, Q Zhao
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2397-2402, 2005
Robust optimal sensor placement for uncertain structures with interval parameters
C Yang, Z Lu, Z Yang
IEEE Sensors Journal 18 (5), 2031-2041, 2018
The robust control mixer module method for control reconfiguration
Z Yang, M Blanke
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No …, 2000
Hybrid controllability of linear switched systems
Y Zhenyu, M Verhaegen, W Yanjun, C Zongji
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (Cat. No …, 1998
Optimal scheduling and control of a multi-pump boosting system
Z Yang, H Børsting
2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 2071-2076, 2010
Review of slug detection, modeling and control techniques for offshore oil & gas production processes
S Pedersen, P Durdevic, Z Yang
Ifac-papersonline 48 (6), 89-96, 2015
Crashworthiness design of a sponge-inspired multicell tube under axial crushing
Y Li, D Hu, Z Yang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 244, 108070, 2023
Multi-objective PID-controller tuning for a magnetic levitation system using NSGA-II
GKM Pedersen, Z Yang
Proceedings of the 8th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2006
A unified approach to controllability analysis for hybrid control systems
Z Yang, M Blanke
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 1 (2), 212-222, 2007
Development and control of an inverted pendulum driven by a reaction wheel
F Jepsen, A Soborg, AR Pedersen, Z Yang
2009 international conference on mechatronics and automation, 2829-2834, 2009
Control oriented modeling of a de-oiling hydrocyclone
P Durdevic, S Pedersen, M Bram, D Hansen, A Hassan, Z Yang
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (28), 291-296, 2015
Prevalence of low birth weight and macrosomia estimates based on heaping adjustment method in China
L Shen, J Wang, Y Duan, Z Yang
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 15016, 2021
Application of H Robust Control on a Scaled Offshore Oil and Gas De-Oiling Facility
P Durdevic, Z Yang
Energies 11 (2), 287, 2018
Robust control mixer method for reconfigurable control design using model matching
Z Yang, M Blanke, M Verhaegen
IET Control Theory & Applications 1 (1), 349-357, 2007
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Articles 1–20