Tom Boatwright
Tom Boatwright
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Cited by
Measurement of monolayer viscosity using noncontact microrheology
R Shlomovitz, AA Evans, T Boatwright, M Dennin, AJ Levine
Physical review letters 110 (13), 137802, 2013
Investigating the effect of particle size on pulmonary surfactant phase behavior
AT Kodama, CC Kuo, T Boatwright, M Dennin
Biophysical Journal 107 (7), 1573-1581, 2014
Probing interfacial dynamics and mechanics using submerged particle microrheology. II. Experiment
T Boatwright, M Dennin, R Shlomovitz, AA Evans, AJ Levine
Physics of Fluids 26 (7), 2014
Particle size effects on collapse in monolayers
CC Kuo, AT Kodama, T Boatwright, M Dennin
Langmuir 28 (39), 13976-13983, 2012
Probing interfacial dynamics and mechanics using submerged particle microrheology. I. Theory
R Shlomovitz, AA Evans, T Boatwright, M Dennin, AJ Levine
Physics of Fluids 26 (7), 2014
Tracking giant folds in a monolayer
T Boatwright, AJ Levine, M Dennin
Langmuir 26 (15), 12755-12760, 2010
Mechanical reorganization of cross-linked F-actin networks at the air-buffer interface
T Boatwright, AJ Levine, M Dennin
Soft Matter 7 (17), 7851-7859, 2011
Scanning non-contact surface microrheometer
M Dennin, T Boatwright, A Levine, AA Evans, R Shlomovitz
US Patent 9,494,505, 2016
Method and apparatus for processing a workpiece and an article formed thereby
T Chang, T Boatwright, JD Halderman
US Patent App. 14/080,636, 2014
Non-contact microrheology of monolayers and membranes
R Shlomovitz, T Boatwright, M Dennin, AJ Levine
Biophysical Journal 102 (3), 34a, 2012
Surface-Emitting Distributed Feedback Lasing Based on Multilayer Polymer Films
KD Singer, T Boatwright, JR Lott, H Song, Y Wu, E Baer, A Hiltner, ...
Frontiers in Optics, TWA1, 2007
Measurement of monolayer viscosity using non-contact microrehology
A Levine, A Evans, R Shlomovitz, T Boatwright, M Dennin
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2013, U34. 008, 2013
Non-contact microrheology at the air-water interface
T Boatwright, R Shlomovitz, A Levine, M Dennin
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2012, T48. 002, 2012
Mechanical Properties of Quasi-Two-Dimensional Materials at the Air/Water Interface
TB Boatwright
University of California, Irvine, 2012
Microrheology Using Optical Tweezers at the Air-Water Interface
T Boatwright, A Levine, M Dennin
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts 63, MK. 006, 2010
Mechanical properties of giant folds in a Langmuir monolayer
T Boatwright, J Yu-Chieh Yang, AJ Levine, M Dennin
APS March Meeting Abstracts 2010, P13. 008, 2010
An Investigation of Giant Folds in Langmuir Monolayers
TB Boatwright
University of California, Irvine, 2010
34a Sunday, February 26, 2012
R Shlomovitz, T Boatwright, M Dennin, AJ Levine
Measurement of monolayer viscosity using non-contact microrheology: Supplementary information
R Shlomovitz, AA Evans, T Boatwright, M Dennin, AJ Levine
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Articles 1–19